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Learning Huddles

place Australia

Exploring Growth, Inspiring Action, Empowering Futures

Learning Huddles are collaborative meetings between learners, guides, and carers at GVL. They occur for 30 minutes, every five weeks. In the meetings, we reflect on progress, set new goals, and plan the learner’s next steps. These sessions focus on more than just academic milestones—they explore personal growth, emotional well-being, and skill development through portfolios and self-reflection.


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Target group
Students basic
October 2024
We aim to shift education toward a personalised, learner-led model, fostering autonomy, collaboration, and continuous reflection, moving away from rigid, one-size-fits-all approaches. Our goal is to empower learners to take ownership of their growth, with parent/carers actively engaged, focusing on developing well-rounded individuals prepared for real-world learning.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

“Learning Huddles” reflect GVL’s learner-centred approach, fostering collaboration among learners, guides, and parent/carers. “Huddle” evokes teamwork, connection, and dynamic interaction, creating a space for reflection, growth, and future planning. Aligned with GVL’s values of autonomy, action, and mastery, these meetings promote continuous development and empower learners to thrive.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Learning Huddles are 20-30 minute collaborative sessions held every five weeks. These meetings bring together the learner, their guide, and parent/carers to reflect on progress, set goals, and plan next steps. A core feature is the integration of a Learner Profile and Portfolio, offering a snapshot of the learner’s skills, achievements, and areas for growth across GVL’s developmental hubs.

The Learner Profile highlights key aspects such as:
1. Core Skill Development – Progress in literacy, numeracy, and personal projects.
2. Social-Emotional Growth – Insights into emotional well-being and self-determination.
3. Community Impact and EDventurous Projects – Engagement with social or entrepreneurial initiatives.
4. Next Steps and Personalised Goals – Agreed actions and aspirations for the coming weeks.

These huddles are structured yet conversational, fostering an inclusive atmosphere where the learner leads the discussion with support from guides and parent/carers.

How has it been spreading?

Learning Huddles began as a pilot in late 2022 with a small group of learners and guides. Following its success, the approach quickly expanded across the entire GVL community, now spanning all developmental stages—from 3-year-old kinder to 16-year-olds.
Its innovative, learner-led framework, which promotes ownership, reflection, and personalised growth, has drawn attention beyond GVL. School leadership now showcases Learning Huddles at conferences across Australia and New Zealand, sharing best practices and insights with other educators. This recognition highlights its adaptability across age groups and its potential to transform how schools engage learners, carers, and educators in meaningful collaboration.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To try Learning Huddles, start with a pilot group and hold 20-30 minute meetings every 5 weeks. Develop a process and train guides to facilitate learner-led discussions. Engage carers as partners and use portfolios to track growth. Integrate a data collection survey, completed during each huddle, to gather insights. Use feedback to refine and scale the process.

Implementation steps

Plan your huddles
Plan your huddles by scheduling meetings every 5 weeks and using an online system for parent bookings. Decide which skills or capabilities to track, create a data survey to complete during huddles, and choose a digital portfolio platform (e.g., Seesaw). Collect evidence like reflections, videos, and project artefacts. Manage the timetable by rotating meetings, assigning another guide to classes, or scheduling group activities to minimise disruption during the school day.
Organise your Huddle Day timetables
To hold Learning Huddles, guides need to be released from teaching. This can be managed by setting different activities, incursions, excursions, or employing an extra guide to cover their load. Holding huddles during the day supports guide wellbeing and makes it easier for parent/carers to attend. For those unable to join in person, we offer Zoom meetings to ensure all families can participate, promoting collaboration and engagement.
Hold your huddles
During Learning Huddles, guides, learners, and carers meet for 20-30 minutes. The learner leads the discussion, reviewing progress using their portfolio and sharing challenges or goals. Complete the pre-prepared data survey together to capture insights. Collaboratively set new targets and identify next steps. Encourage carers to provide input and align support. Ensure meetings stay on schedule to avoid disruptions and maintain momentum for all participants.
Reflect and Plan
After each cycle, review the data from surveys and portfolios as a community. Use these insights to identify trends, strengths, and areas for growth. Collaboratively plan new projects and learning experiences that align with learners’ needs and interests. Guides, learners, and carers work together to set community-wide goals, refine teaching strategies, and personalise future learning pathways. This reflective process ensures continuous growth and deeper engagement for all.
Create a Learner Profile
After each Learning Huddle cycle, compile the collected data into individual Learner Profiles using Google Looker (Data Studio). Organise the data to highlight key skills, growth areas, learner- identified goals, and project participation. Include visual elements like progress charts and skill mastery trackers. Use these profiles to personalise future learning plans, track long-term development, and share meaningful insights with learners, carers, and guides. Use this next meeting.

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