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Entrepreneur Academy Lebanon

Training for a Bright Future

Based on several research studies done on students to measure their sustainable development SD knowledge, skills, and attitudes, the results revealed that students had relatively average SD knowledge but low SD skills and attitudes. Entrepreneur academy targets educators to train them on ESD practices and competencies.


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Target group
March 2021
Educating a Good Active Citizen would never happen without Education for Sustainable Development.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

As a teacher, school principal, and researcher, I realized that teachers are in need of training to gain the vision of Sustainable development and the strategies and assessments to integrate this into their teaching practices. The teacher training programs in Lebanon don't now have a whole approach to reinforce ESD into teacher training.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The ESD Training Program provided by the academy includes the courses:
1. SD and ESD: overview, aim, values and competencies
2. ESD teacher Leadership courses: Authentic, transformational, and Democratic leadership
3. ESD Classroom management:
4. Executive function Skills and Coaching training to improve them.
5. Designing curriculum using UbD
6. ESD teaching strategies: Inquiry-Based strategies, contextual learning, Socratic learning, Argumentation, and debating, Situated teaming, Performance-Based Learning, Transformative Learning, cooperative learning, researching, and Problem –Oriented-Project-Based-Learning. As well, biomimicry, cradle to cradle, Eco designs, and all STE2AM strategies.
7. Entrepreneurship education.
8. Project-based and performance-based assessments. Higher-order thinking assessments.
9. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches
10. Educational technology training
11. Project management and partnerships

How has it been spreading?

We have made several workshops with teachers concerning Project-based learning, Democratic classroom management, Teacher leadership, Understanding by Design, Inquiry-based learning, and STEM. All these workshops reinforce the vision of Education for sustainable development. The workshops are interactive where all teachers practice their learning outcomes with the instructor. During Covid 19, we went through online webinars where we train on the technologies that can be used by teachers to reinforce inquiry and performance-based practices.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You can just contact us on our email or through phone call and we can arrange a webinar concerning any of the previously mentioned topics.

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