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Ginnie & Pinney 'Learn & Grow'

Creating thoughtful, caring, empathic children.

Through the eight book set, animated videos, comprehensive teacher resource, open ended questions and an online professional development course, Ginnie & Pinney 'Learn & Grow' assists educators in encouraging empathy, ethical thinking, emotional intelligence and wellbeing in children three to eight helping them to grow into socially adaptive, thoughtful and positive change-making adults.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated January 2021




Target group
Ginnie & Pinney is an amazing concept designed to help young children develop important skills in empathy ethical thinking and EQ. There is nothing available like this. It is AMAZING!

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

There is an enormous amount of research across the globe that supports the idea of teaching empathy, ethics and social and emotional wellbeing to very young children. We feel strongly there is a need to address these themes to encourage children's natural ability to think, discuss and ponder and to finally grow into thoughtful and empathic adults creating a better future for humanity.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The books and videos work by challenging children's thinking about important emotional themes addressed in each story. The open ended questions and lesson plans in the teacher resource assist teachers in forming active discussions about the topics to encourage children to think in emotionally intelligent ways with guidance from their teachers.
The books can be read a number of times and the themes in each book can be unpacked at the level consistent with a child's stage of development. Nine Fair Trade finger puppets add to the teachers ability to play act the stories with the children.
The 'A-Z of emotions' flash cards (to be published early 2021) will be used independently or in tandem with the books to enable children to create stories and to stimulate interesting conversations and to help build vocabulary, concept knowledge and social & emotional well being.
The PD (In production) will be accessible online for teachers wanting more information about how to use the materials.

How has it been spreading?

Ginnie & Pinney 'Learn & Grow' was selected by the Victorian Department of Education and Training as one of the recommended resources for the Early Learning, School Readiness Funding Menu for 2020.
As a result of this and as a chosen HundrED innovation for 2019 Ginnie & Pinney books, teacher resource and Fair Trade finger puppets have been taken up by a large number of Early Learning Centre's.
Added to this is a publishing deal with Australian Big Sky Publishing who have engaged Simon and Schuster as distributors. Covid-19 had a negative impact but we believe there will be a greater roll out over 2021.
The A-Z of Emotions Flash Cards and the online Professional Development will be available in the first half of 2021.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

At present the materials are available in English and need to be purchased via or
The A-Z emotional flash cards and the professional development course will be available on the G & P website in mid 2021.
The PD will be offered freely to disadvantaged schools in Australia and across the globe.