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Can't Wait to Learn

place Sudan + 7 more

Can’t Wait To Learn is a digital game-based learning programme for education in emergencies

Can’t Wait to Learn delivers cost-effective personalised learning opportunities through proven, evidence based gaming technology. It is currently supporting learning in Ukraine, Uganda, South Sudan, Chad, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon and beyond. Our research drives change in the games that are co-created by children to be culturally, contextually, and national curricula appropriate.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
Students lower
June 2024
We want to support quality learning opportunities for all children in conflict. We want to see greater collaboration in education stakeholders to achieve that. We will continue to work to support duty-bearers in these contexts, and partners to lead that change and where appropriate use technology to provide children the opportunities they need to catch-up and keep learning

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Millions of children are missing out on quality education due to conflict and crisis. Can't Wait to Learn brings education to places where there are not enough classrooms or teachers, and to both refugee and host community children- whether in formal schools or through learning programs within alternative education centres.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Can't Wait to Learn (CWTL) supports children to improve their foundational reading and numeracy skills. In practice that looks like children working on devices, as part of their formal or non-formal education opportunities supported by trained teachers and facilitators to improve their skills.

Evidence shows it takes roughly 30-35 hours engagement per subject to drive significant. The CWTL team at War Child tailor the use of CWTL with partners in each context it's used to ensure as many children as possible get the chance to build those skills.

Rooted in research, Can’t Wait to Learn is designed for iteration and improvement. Through proven research we are constantly re-evaluating our metrics and methods, and thus ever-evolving for the emerging needs of children in crisis.  

How has it been spreading?

With Partners we have reached over 200,000 children wi

In Ukraine, Can’t Wait To Learn is now available for direct download from the App Store, Google Play and Amazon onto personal devices, Android and iOS;
In Sudan, children improved nearly twice as much in maths and 2.7 times more in reading when compared to the Govt Alternative Learning Program;
In Lebanon, children improved their maths score by 16% in just 12 weeks;
In Chad, Children learnt 50% more than their peers in traditional education settings in 4.5 mths and gains were even higher for girls
In Uganda in a KIX funded cRCT (n-1507) Can’t Wait to Learn significantly improved both literacy (+0.35sd) & numeracy (0.25sd) and continues to build in scale, working with district govt to institutionalise its use.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

CWTL is available to support programmes and education systems wherever it is needed. We work with partners across all the context in which we work.

Please get in touch to discuss how CWTL can support cost-effective learning opportunities for children in your context.


Implementation steps

Steps to implementation

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