From 2013 for the last 10 years, I have been helping young people to find their career paths, passions, and dreams.
I want to give teens everything they need to know themselves (Delphic temple inscription), find the seeds of giftedness within themselves, and learn how to live in a VUCA - world.
It's a Notion's site https://ashcheglov.notion.site/2-Second-day-Tools-for-life-54ec66792cfb44af9e6af9dc55b8968b?pvs=74
I want to create a website with a course with video lessons like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U&ab_channel=RSA
I deeply share your approach and mission in education: providing a world-class education for anyone, anywhere. I believe that every child has the seeds of genius, and our task is to nurture them. Michael Jordan would not have been a good scientist, and I doubt that Einstein would have been a good basketball hoop shooter. I believe that the prosperity of our civilization depends on every child and teenager growing up. Our only hope is the minds of kids.
Internet, social media, FB, YouTube etc.
If you're a teenager - you'll get the tools you need to survive and succeed in today's unpredictable world. What's more, you'll have the tools to live a happy, fulfilling life and find your purpose.