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Be future ready

BYLCx, the online learning academy of Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC), is one of Bangladesh's first EdTech platforms on soft skills & job readiness. We empower youths by providing access to 21st-century skills training anytime, anywhere, without charge. Our curriculum is developed in consultation with experts, ensuring our students receive the most relevant and up-to-date materials.



HundrED has selected this innovation to

EdTech: Bangladesh

Web presence






Target group
Students upper
August 2023
At scale, by providing job readiness courses in Bangladesh, we aim to reduce the unemployment rate by building a bridge between employers and university students.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

In Bangladesh, employers say there are not enough skilled candidates; on the other hand, youths say there are not enough jobs for them. We offer solutions to end this dispute by providing free-of-charge self-paced skill development courses.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We provide free online courses and blended training on job readiness, intra-personal, leadership education, and high-demand performative skills. The course completion rate of our platform is over 30 percent which is key evidence that our platform and approach work. We use an easy-to-access learning management system where learners can watch video lessons and submit assessments based on their learning.

How has it been spreading?

In the last 3 years, over 130,000 students enrolled in our courses. We have already developed 60+ courses with assessments and interactive learning materials. In the next 2-3 years, we want to create 50+ more relevant courses and reach new 100K learners. We also aim to connect at least 2000 learners with new jobs and opportunities through the job placement wing of BYLC.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Anyone who wants to try and adopt our solution only needs to create a free-of-charge account on our website. Then find their desired courses and enroll for free. It's this simple.

Impact & scalability

HundrED Academy Reviews

The most commendable aspect would be focusing more on the long-term paths of children and the future of Bangladesh. Most schools put emphasis on academics, but this innovation goes beyond the realm of that and equips students with life-long skills.

As their program combines both an online LMS and blended learning with partner organisations, it could work easily in similar contexts like India, Singapore etc.

- Academy member
Academy review results
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

Step 1
Visit our website link
Step 2
Click the “Sign in” button at the top menu. It will take you to the “Log in” page.
Step 3
Click the “Don't have an account?” option below the “Log in” button at the center. It will take you to the “Sign up” page.
Step 4
Put your information in the boxes marked as Email, Name (for certificate), University Name, Passing Year/Expected Passing Year, Major, Gender, Password, Confirm Password and Phone.
Step 5
Click the checkbox to agree to the terms of use of BYLCx and then click the “Sign up” button.
Step 6
Access all the free courses on BYLCx.

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