What did you do in practice?
The responses to our survey helped us see that parents wanted to be more involved in our school. To learn more, the big Fall Festival was designed to draw parents to our building. At the event, which included food, games, crafts, entertainment and prizes, parents filled out a survey to share their interests and talents. They told us about themselves, expressed their choices and how they could be more active participants in our school community. The results were helpful to the school and the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) as a resource for future engagement opportunities.
Why did you do this implementation trial?
We didn't find that using a QR code format was the best way to learn what parents wanted, so the Fall Festival was designed to draw families in to give them a fun night together. Children were safe and within eyeshot, parents could respond to our questions and also have the conversations which helped to more accurately answer queries like, “What are your talents?” We could prompt fuller responses from them rather than having an item left blank or answered, “no talents.” Incentives for completing the survey also encouraged participation.