What did you do in practice?
In a mini-hack, we asked parents, staff and students about their expectations of each other. This led to a school event that included all staff: the custodian, cafeteria staff, teachers, administrators - and families. Fun facts that staff provided about themselves were made into posters that decorated the cafeteria. The parents had this info in hand for their classroom visits. Perhaps they both had teenagers? Perhaps they were fans of the same hockey team? “The facts” served as conversation starters. It was all designed to be welcoming, comfortable and engaging to parents and school staff.
Why did you do this implementation trial?
Our hack, Let’s Bridge the Gap, aimed to complement the school’s high attendance event, Open House. This was a good fit because this annual calendar event brings parents and teachers together. We designed our hack to go deeper, to build on the advantage of having families in the building to ask direct questions about their needs, hopes and dreams. This was all done while socializing over pizza and ice cream, an easy way to lower barriers and encourage conversation and relationship-building.