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25.9.2017 |

HundrED's First Global Spotlight Will Be In Australia!

HundrED Spotlight is where we take a hands-on approach to innovating education in a certain geographical area or an area of expertise. We’ll be following a small selection of projects and helping to develop and scale them in their area (and globally) – to truly help good ideas spread! We're pleased to announce our first global Spotlight will be Victoria, Australia!

We started out in Finland, as a part of Finland’s 100 years of independence, and focused on innovating education right across the country. Finland has long been known as a pinnacle of ‘how to do education right’, but even the best education systems in the world have to keep evolving in order to keep up with the vast changes happening.

So we selected 100 Finnish innovations, all of which can be found here, and trialled them out in schools. Only through experimentation, taking a few risks, and pushing ourselves are we going to make sure the next generation are prepared for whatever they may face when they finish school at eighteen.

It seems Finland isn’t the only country interested in reinventing education for the better. After receiving global interest, we opened our doors to innovations all around the world. On October 4th we’ll be releasing our 100 Inspiring Innovations of 2017, but we’re taking it even further – we’re also launching our Spotlights!

HundrED Spotlight works similarly to our original Finnish process where we’ll be taking a hands-on approach to innovating education in a certain geographical area or an area of expertise, such as robotics or empathy. We’ll be following a small selection of projects and helping to develop and scale them in their area (and globally) – to truly help good ideas spread.

All HundrED Spotlights will always be organized together with a local partner. Spotlight innovations will be reviewed through the HundrED review process and the selected innovations will receive exposure on the global platform under their specific Spotlight section and will receive support both from HundrED and the chosen partner on the project.

Our first Spotlight is in motion, and we’re delighted to announce that it will be in Victoria, Australia!

With our Australian partner, Education Changemakers, HundrED will work to identify 10 inspiring education innovations in Victoria, build the capacity of the people behind them, package, share and help amplify these innovations across the state, nationwide and globally.

In this case we’re so excited to be working with Education Changemakers, Australia’s leading education innovation company, who we’ve worked alongside over the last two years at education events across the world.

David Faulkner, CEO and Co-Founder of Education Changemakers, explains, ‘We have always been closely aligned as organisations that support grassroots innovations and want to see them shared so it was a natural fit to partner to become the first HundrED Spotlight here in Victoria. We want to make sure the world knows the incredible work our Victorian and Australian educators are doing to innovate exceptional solutions to the education challenges we face.’

The HundrED Spotlight on Victoria launched on the 25th of September at Trinity College, University of Melbourne.

To find out more about how the Australian Spotlight is going to work and about the challenges Australian (and global) education is facing, and how we need to tackle it, read on here.
