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How To Spread Your Innovation To 100+ Countries

When you want to know how you can spread an innovation, it’s best to ask the experts! We got some of the innovators behind prolific HundrED 2019 recognized innovations up on stage to discuss their scaling stories.

There’s plenty of innovation in the world of education. The trouble is, it can be hard for innovations to move from classroom to classroom, let alone from country to country. So when you want to know how you can spread an innovation, it’s best to ask the experts! We got some of the innovators behind prolific HundrED 2019 recognized innovations up on stage to discuss their scaling stories.

Watch Cleary Vaughan Lee of Global Oneness Project, Suchetha Bhat of Dream a Dream, Riku Alkio of Seppo, and Linda Liukas of Hello Ruby share the stories of how their innovations were created, how they grew, some of the mistakes and the pitfalls that have been made along the way, and their advice for fellow innovators looking to scale.

“First – Is your innovation universal, how can you reach people in all countries? Second, have you considered reaching all stakeholders, including librarians, administrators, teachers,parents, students, and also the people on the fringes, like museums and the community at large.” Cleary Vaughan Lee, Global Oneness Project

“You need the ability to step back, look at what you’re doing and take out the most crucial or critical part of what you’re doing. That is what you scale, that idea.” Suchetha Bhat of Dream a Dream

“Start with something people recognize when teaching a new discipline like computer science, a picture book is a really great familiar way to teach.” Linda Liukas of Hello Ruby

“The one thing you should do is stick to the idea you have started, don’t get distracted. You should listen to people around you, but also stick to your instinct on where you want it to go. So it’s very useful to have the pedagogical expertise within the company.” Riku Alkio of Seppo



Like what you've heard so far? Find a playlist of videos from the HundrED Summit here
