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place Australia

Two halves of a whole: it's in our DNA!

emergence² is an evidence based learning design model that uses a DNA helix to symbolise the potential in a #Maslow&Bloom pedagogical approach in a new world. It illustrates an oft forgotten universal truth: our journey towards self-actualisation is contingent on learning progressions that honour the causal relationship between our needs, abilities & mindsets while overcoming necessary challenges.


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Updated July 2021
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All students
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“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else”. Leonardo Da Vinci - Prolific inventor. Polymath.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

A common reflection after 15 years in classrooms was that students were more fulfilled if engaged in an activity or purpose that addressed BOTH their IQ/knowledge/academic potential AND their social emotional learning needs. Yet the existence of programs intentionally designed to afford such opportunities remained limited. This model facilitates & targets learning design that honours both.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The DNA helix shows the progression up the echelons of Bloom's Taxonomy and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It highlights the fact that it is difficult (if not impossible) to expect someone to understand information or apply knowledge when their basic needs of water, air, food & shelter are not met. Similarly, it's unrealistic to expect someone to show empathy if they themselves are not safe, or do not experience a sense of love or belonging. Crucially this reinforces the universal truth that balance between both social emotional wellbeing and intelligence is key if one is to be fulfilled. Pedagogical leaders, educators and students themselves can use this as a continuum to cross reference and guide their efforts. Rubrics can be tailored to suit the context, person or task. Another advantage of the

How has it been spreading?

Online via website, social media.
Dissemination via email, partnerships, collaborations, networks, projects and alliances.
Presentations at international festivals.
Participation in social labs, projects and collaborations.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Download the model (free of charge) and use it independently.
Use it as a prompt for discussion with students or colleagues.
To unpack the research and other metaphors in more depth, contact Chris Menage

Implementation steps

Unpacking emergence² - humancentred learning in our DNA

emergence² should be viewed as a continuum, where we progress up and down depending on the circumstances and wherewithal at any given point in time. It is designed to scaffold self development and illicit responses that encourage progression through its stages.

Stage 1:Maslow and Blooms combine in the form of DNA helix to depict their symbiotic relationship. This helps cement the notion of bringing wholistic learning practices & pedagogical strategies to bear when designing learning experiences.

Stage 2: The DNA is populated with mindsets, dispositions and aptitudes, again making it easier to design experiences that target particular attributes.

Stage 3: Terms and concepts associated with contemporary educational research and best practice are situated alongside relevant stages of development to shore up the reliability of the model and also emphasis it's interdisciplinarity.

Stage 4: The DNA is overlayed with a metaphoric timeline that reflects the dominant but changing contextual paradigms. These reinforce the title of the model because the caterpillar emergence from the cocoon coincides with the tipping point from the old traditional paradigm to the new emerging one.

Stage 5:The transformative process, evidenced by the liminal spaces of grey, turbulence, disequilibrium and adversity, is illustrated through the changing form of a caterpillar to a butterfly through metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is a messy and painful affair, the shedding of an outer layer to expose our inner most vulnerabilities yet in doing so allowing us to grow into our new forms.