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Walk the talk #NoFilter

place Colombia

Powerful conversations... No Judgements, no shoulds, no filter.

We live in a world that urgently needs to transform the educational structures, turning the students into an active part of the conversation encouraging them to question the system they live in and empowering them to take better decisions. We believe it´s possible through valuable conversatons that provide space for reflection and guidance to take action.


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November 2021
Only by knowing the ways of our students, may we guide them the best way possible.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

We see an educational system that seems to "know" the needs of the students and what they "should" be doing and what they "should" be learning. Nonetheless, it is a system that does not allow students to question the system itself or the knowledge they recieve. And by educating the youth through obedience structures we kill their ablity and power to make decisions for themselves.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We create groups of 10-12 participants with two facilitators and have valuable conversations that last for 90 minutes.
The conversation is guided through specific concepts that are chosen by us depending on the theme of the conversation, but the concepts are defined with the students. With this, the idea is not to teach them but rather to co-construct the knowledge parting from their beliefs and experience, allowing them to raise their voice and listen to what other pairs have to say.
From here, we start to generate reflections where they identify their needs and what they believe they need to learn and what is going to be useful knowledge in this volatile world.
From there, we create an action plan or practical tool so they can take and execute decisions that will get them colser to what they need while making them acccountable for their actions and learning process.

How has it been spreading?

We started out doing it for free and online with small groups... Now we are woking with a couple of schools and we aim to be in several schools inthe next 2 years.
It is a progam designed in a way that it can be modified ad-hoc to each group of students, so we aim to take it around the country and to see it be transformed by the diferent contexts in order fr it to be a powerfull program that encourages the critical thinking o students from a young age.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You can contact our CEO via email and we will be happy to work with you, have a chat or share ideas. The email is:

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