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Vital Schools

How to sit down less and move about more during lessons at school?

Flemish children sit down for more than 8 hours a day on average, which is not good for their health. Half of that time is spent during school hours. With our Vital Schools project, we are tackling this problem head-on. Together with pupils, teachers, principals and parents, we develop practical examples that break the habit of sitting still.


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May 2021
Let those who want to set the world in motion first take action themselves. (Socrates)

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Flemish children sit down for more than 8 hours a day on average, which is not good for their health. Half of that time is spent during school hours. With our Vital Schools project, we are tackling this problem head-on. The actions take place during the lessons so that we appeal to all children.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We work from different angles. First of all, we work with all parties on raising awareness of the need to sit still less and move around more. Then, in co-creation, we develop practical examples that originate from the children and the teachers themselves. We help with inspiration and support. A first approach is to physically adapt the space in which they learn. We provide a healthy mix of dynamic sitting, standing and moving and teach them how to deal with this. In addition, we create active forms of work in many different learning areas: mathematics, language, music education, science, etc. We focus on the problems and stumbling blocks experienced by teachers and pupils in these practical examples. In this way, we have already provided several solutions for each problem.
For each practical example, we make an inspiring video and file with all the details. In this way we were able to develop more than 100 examples of good practice in one year's time.

How has it been spreading?

The Vital Schools research group works closely with the largest health organisations in Flanders such as and This way, many schools find their way to the practical examples and get inspired by this way of teaching.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Take a look at one of the many practical examples on our website and get inspired by the variety of possibilities. Feel free to share your experiences because we love to learn every day!

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