Although learning music through play should be central to out-of-school music pedagogy, the reality is quite different, except during early childhood. Play is still seen as a barrier to rigorous learning. The University of Youth Music Play(ers) (UJM) proposes an innovative pedagogy to break this musical learning misconception and combine pleasure, play, and rigor.
The University of Youth Music Play(ers) (UJM) pedagogy is based on three types of play-oriented musical activities. "Guided-play" activities focus on musical creativity or playfulness. These activities are directed by the student but structured by the teacher. "Serious-play" activities focus on dynamics, mechanics, and play elements that the teacher structures and directs. These activities are based on analog or digital serious music games developed by the UJM or existing on the market. "Play-instrument" type activities aim to playfully rehearse and learn a musical instrument.
Our research results show that students enjoy instrument lessons and feel connected to their music learning. Serious-play learning activities are the most popular among our students, especially those aged 6-9 because they are challenging and fun. Our results also show that our pedagogical approach appeals to the learning creativity of all students.
Since 2021, using our pedagogical approach, we trained musicians to teach violin, piano, guitar, and drums to children aged 6 to 11. We have developed and tested guided-play activities and serious-play games to implement our solution. We have set up an international team of researchers to document our approach to improve it as we go along. We are starting with Brazil this year with the international export of our approach in various cultural and social contexts. During the next 3 years, we want to export our approach to Mexico, Switzerland, and Hong Kong. We also want to develop new serious digital music games using real-time sound detection algorithms with the goal that young people use their acoustic musical instruments as a joystick to learn playing music while playing video games.
We can provide customized training to meet their needs in French, English. Spanish or Portuguese. We can provide access to all of our teaching materials (games, activities, etc.) and provide video examples of how to teach using our pedagogical approach. We can give them feedback on how they are implementing our approach within their educational context.