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place Liberia

Improving learning outcomes through entrepreneurial development

A high school graduate in Liberia may never go to college and is not prepared for the real world. Only 9% of graduates enrol; the majority enter the workforce directly. Secondary education is vital, but high schools do not equip students with the wherewithal, leaving many youth unemployed and vulnerably employed. TRIBE builds entrepreneurial models to prepare students to succeed in the real world.


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Updated May 2022
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All students
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In 10 years we want to be thrilled we successfully built TRIBE as a catalyst for groundbreaking innovations and solutions to improve secondary education and prepare young people for workforce success.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

A high school graduate may never go to college. About 90% of Africa’s youth receive no university education, transitioning to the workforce. High schools prepare young people to transition to college–limited workforce preparations. A college degree, tertiary education, or skills are required to obtain a job. Few young people meet these criteria. Africa struggles with high youth unemployment.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

TRIBE increases students' chances to succeed after high school, before being trapped into not enrolling in college and being unemployed or vulnerably employed for life. We are pioneering entrepreneurship in Liberian high schools to integrate it into the national curriculum to ensure students obtain employment or launch ventures. We deliver entrepreneurial education that makes students adequately prepared and 21st-century relevant through school partnerships and entrepreneurship boot camps.

Students learn through workshops, case studies, discussions, presentations, projects, mentorship, and internships with our proprietary project-based curriculum. We focus on entrepreneurial development, socio-emotional growth, behavioral skills, and cognitive abilities.

Previous boot camp participants have started three companies and organizations. Additionally, we have seen an increase in students pursuing entrepreneurship or joining an organization since their participation in the boot camps.

How has it been spreading?

In 2021, we launched Liberia’s first entrepreneurial and workforce development academy for high schools, endorsed by the Ministry of Education as an “innovative and disruptive model that will create a wide-scale impact in Liberia’s secondary education system.”

Currently partnering with three schools – RE-Novate supplements students’ core curriculum with entrepreneurial development and experiential learning. To scale, the model also trains school administrators and teachers in designing and executing entrepreneurial development and personal transformation programs for students.

In 2023, we will launch a proprietary digital platform for entrepreneurial learning, venture, and employment to facilitate a student’s journey from enrolment through obtaining employment or launching a venture.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

RE-Novate is ongoing validation – we will publish the impact study by mid-2023. However, to partner with TRIBE, hire our consulting team, or adopt our model, interested individuals may contact our business development team at

An acquaintance meeting
Pre-assessment for collaboration
Find a fit
Develop proposal
Organize inception meeting
Design execution strategy