Too often students’ challenges in regulation skills impact their academic and social participation and their sense of well-being. Learners of all ages can benefit from learning regulation competencies aligned to their developmental continuum and be given opportunities to practice these skills in a safe and supportive environment. Our approach addresses regulation in a systematic and pragmatic way.
Our curriculum and trainings provide a simple, common language and visual system to understand and teach regulation. The Digital Curriculum contains a comprehensive developmental sequence of lessons and is designed for flexible use with learners of various ages and settings including schools, clinics and at home. Our trainings provide foundational program knowledge, as well as hands-on tools and strategies to teach The Zones of Regulation with fidelity.
The Zones can be used across tiered supports and services within schools, and increasingly is implemented as a schoolwide or districtwide curriculum. Essential elements include:
-All learners being taught lessons from The Zones of Regulation curriculum
-Common Zones visuals used throughout the school campus
-Common Zones language used by all staff in all settings
-Regular opportunities for learners and staff to check in with their Zones
-Easy access to regulation tools for both learners and staff
The Zones curriculum was first developed as a graduate school capstone and went on to be published in 2011 by Think Social Publishing, Inc., selling over 375,000 copies worldwide. In 2024, we released The Zones of Regulation (R) Digital Curriculum, which represents the evolution and next phase of the framework.
While we have marketing resources in place and active social media channels, the growth is largely the result of recommendations among existing users to their colleagues. Our new digital edition was sparked by feedback that overwhelmingly recommended we develop a more convenient way to teach and implement the curriculum. We embarked on an ambitious strategy to create a digital version of a fully reimagined and updated edition that expands upon the original 2011 print book.
Our website, , contains information about the framework and how to teach our curriculum. In particular, the 'Curriculum' and 'Training' pages provide detailed descriptions about our resources and methodology. Our site also contains numerous free resources, lists of research studies, and first-hand accounts from individuals using our model.