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The Tarang Transforming Schools Programme (TTS)

place India

1 - 2 - 3 - Include me! Inclusive ed teacher training & curriculum based on UDL for Indian Educators

Breaking barriers in Goa advocating inclusive education through comprehensive digital TEACHER TRAINING & curriculum embracing the 3Ps of inclusion PHILOSOPHY Sensitising Teachers, Heads & management PRACTISES developmentally appropriate skills-based curriculum, teaching methodology UDL, positive behaviour supports POLICY Stakeholders to bring about real change in admission & classroom policies


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated January 2022
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All students
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At Sethu, we believe that the only way that society can prosper is by being inclusive. We hope that this training programme is the roadmap for the early years of life - a bright future for all.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

IE, taken for granted in many countries, is a relatively novel idea in India, especially schools outside the main metros. There is great emphasis on education, little importance is on teacher training or modern curriculum development ensuring a balanced holistic education for all. Dogged by archaic methods, severe infrastructure limitations, inclusivity & early intervention is overlooked.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Commencing with a comprehensive audit based on the 3Ps we assess unique the needs of the school. Focusing on teacher TRAINING accessible through Google Classroom. Completing 4 modules of virtual learning & discussions
POLICIES ensuring a non-discriminatory admission, curriculum and classroom support policies
CURRICULUM the TTS curriculum is developmentally skill-based appropriate and evaluates as it is taught
POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT an introduction to what really works, use of descriptive praise, encouraging effort, respect and visual charts, assigning responsibility
The Teaching Methodology – Universal Design for Learning which advocates teaching to reach all learners of different levels not just the front row
RECOURSE DEVELOPMENT Real-time data is collected to analyse the difficulties faced by each child, ensuring any early intervention necessary
LEADERSHIP & ENVIRONMENT sensitising all stakeholders & community to IE leads to greater impact and lifelong learning for all!

How has it been spreading?

This is a challenge as though inclusivity is commonplace in the west it is not readily accepted in India. However, two partner schools adopted the format for training, mentoring, feedback, and discussion which led to refinement and the creation of an intensive manual containing the curriculum and the UDL lesson plans, skill-based evaluation and recording sheets. This has encouraged us to scale up to 1 & 2 grades. We have also been approached by rural schools which we are always very excited about. We realise the need for digitalisation of our curriculum & manual ensuring accessibility for all - invaluable for schools joining the initiative post-pandemic. This will be dependent on the availability of hardware accessibility and connectivity in the schools.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Call us! +91 7720013749
Email us!
Write to us! H. No. 5/84 & 5/48, Dhonvaddo, Saligao, Goa 403511
Look at us!

When our inclusive holistic curriculum with UDL is implemented even in one school in India, the impact is massive, one model school changes the whole community!

Implementation steps

Follow our plan for holistic inclusive preschool ed in India

The Tarang Project 6 Steps to inclusivity - please see the pdf for more details

1 Invite - orientate - audit - mou - co-ordinator assignedFill out the checklist to get an understanding of how inclusve you are

2 Teacher training programme instigated

3 Mentorship over 2 years

4 Mentorship ends - handover to school co-ordinator

5 Data evaluation and analysis report writing

6 Measure the impact!

For this to happen even in one school in India the impact is massive, one model school changes the whole community!