I wanted to provide a setting that offered autonomy to young people in the context of community. To show that another type of culture was possible.
We meet for three days a week and always start the day with a whole community meeting, during which we check in with our energy levels and emotions, make plans, plan budget spending, resolve major conflicts and review agreements on how we share the space. Immediately after our first meeting of the week we split into groups of roughly five young people, based on age, to make more specific plans.
The rest of the week is determined by whatever the young people have collectively or individually decided to spend their time. If somebody wants to learn something then the adults support them to do so, bringing in expertise or resources as required. Often once one person is interested in something others want to join.
If conflict arises we use a system of conflict resolution that we developed inspired by non-violent communication and restorative practice. This has evolved to include as awareness of power dynamics, which is embedded throughout our practice.
We are the longest running learning community of this sort in the UK for this age group. Since we launched in 2015 we have helped many other projects to set up their own learning communities and we are now a fast growing movement. We meet twice a month to discuss our theory and practice.
There's information and support, including how to join the monthly meetings, at https://freedomtolearn.uk/index.php/network/sde-learning-communities