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Tell me

What do children tell about themselves and the world through clothing

From the visual analysis of what children are wearing and how they define themselves through their clothes, the “Clothing pals” from schools around the world share their everyday life in clothing.


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Target group
Students basic
February 2024
“Tell me” unlocks the learning potential of clothes through child-led workshops, aiming to open the school curriculum to this unexpected but central aspect of children’s life: clothing. Working collaboratively or individually, children reveal the importance of clothing in their daily life and as a way to explore their identity and culture.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

From home to school, clothes are involved in every aspect of children’s lives, from getting dressed, to socialising and learning about themselves and their culture. However, clothing is overlooked in school education. “Tell me” is an invitation for children to explore the world through clothing.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

“Tell me” is the first project with children, developed under the Glasgow and Paris Local chapters of D4CR within the framework of IN2FROCC (Children and clothing). This project builds from the child-led experiments of Illustrious Lab and is nourished by the methods and practice of Studio Abi, pioneering creative empowerment of children through textile education.

From the visual analysis of what they are wearing and how they define themselves through their clothes, children from schools around the world share their everyday life in clothing.

“Tell me 1” was the initial experience held between January and April 2022 with 2 groups of 6 to 7 years old children, one in the South of Scotland (UK) and one in the suburb of Paris (France).

“Tell me 2” creates a link between children from the suburbs of Paris (France) and the City of Wuxi in eastern China, aged 8 to 9, from October to December 2022. Following a child-led approach, this experience explores their interactions with clothing.

How has it been spreading?

In 2020, Laetitia Barbu, Anne-Charlotte Hartmann-Bragard and Aude Campbell Le Guennec decided to combine their international networks, expertise and practice to explore children’s direct interaction with clothing.
In November 2021, they convey their approach to design a project exploring children's interactions with clothing: "Tell me". 120 children have participated in the first two chapters of “tell me”, coordinated by 4 teachers, 3 investigators and 1 research assistant. This experimentation is now open to groups of children in other geographical areas to keep exploring what children can express through clothing.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

“Tell me” is an experience open to all age groups around the world. As a teacher or educator, you will be given a light-touch guideline to ensure that children are all set in the initial phase of the experiment. The children work individually or in group on the visualisation of their dress codes via collage, drawings, photos etc. Children access the visual material digitally or physically.

Implementation steps

The framework
Principles of this child-led project are based on the guideline established by Designing for Children’s rights, following on from UN-Convention of the Rights of the Child:
- Gather and respect children’s voice:
- Use communication children can understand
- Allow and support exploration
- Do not misuse children’s data
- Design for the future
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes of the projects are based on the aims and objectives of the Studio Abi, as defined by Anne-Charlotte Hartmann-Bragard and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals:
- Inclusion
- Imagination and creativity
- Critical analysis and self-reflection
- Circularity and sustainability
- Self-esteem and confidence
Starting point
1 – Participants read the project’s presentation (guideline)
Who am I?
2 - Children start working on the visual interpretation of their clothes, while focusing on the specificities of their daily dress codes. Children are leading on discussions, and chose the items they would like to focus on at each step of the workshop.
Who are you?
3 – Children (via their teachers) send regularly collages, drawings, stories and analyse what the other group has been sending to them;
tell me your stories through clothing
4 - Children go through this material and react. Their new set of visual material is shared again with their “Clothing pals”. Their reactions is recorded through photography, note taking, recording, as a way to document the next steps of the project and allow the final analysis of their experiment.
Show me your clothing stories
5 – Children’s work can be curated at school by the children in an onsite exhibition, and as online exhibitions
Analysis and evaluation
6 – Children’s experience is analysed by themselves from their approach to the exhibitions, and by the participants (teachers, investigators)

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