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place Brazil

Synapse is a Social Technology aimed at improving the teaching and learning of language and maths in the literacy cycle

Synapse is innovative because it combines the neuroscience knowledge about learning with the teachers knowledge about the reality of their classrooms, because its scalability model is based on the use of a Synapse teacher as a disseminator for new teachers and it has generated the Synapse Network, an entrepreneurial initiative of these teachers ( to ensure autonomy and sustainability


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated May 2020
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About the innovation

What is Synapse

What we do?

We developed, in a participatory way, a pedagogical methodology (Synapse) that associates the neuroscience knowledge about cerebral cognitive processing with our knowledge about the reality of our schools and children, which are mostly located in regions of extreme poverty and vulnerability. With this, Synapse is perfectly suitable for most municipal public schools in Brazil and we believe it can also be useful in the literacy processes in other countries. In parallel with the development of Synapse, we have also built a scalability methodology, in which the most qualified teachers in the use of Synapse act as disseminators for the next schools and municipalities. With this, we created a scalability model that grows in geometric progression, but above all it ensures quality and empathy in the dissemination of knowledge, since they are co-authors who act as disseminators and end up being recognized and inspiring new teachers.
So that all this effort is not lost, we created the Synapse Network (, which brings together all teachers who properly apply the Synapse methodology in the classroom. Currently, RPS brings together more than 300 teachers, from 135 schools, from 15 Brazilian municipalities, and growing ...

Why we do it?

We created Synapse because we were tired of always receiving top-down methodologies, generally not respecting our contexts and limitations, due to the social and economic conditions of the schools and communities where we operate. Synapse represents us!
We created the Synapse Network (RPS) to ensure sustainability for Synapse, so that we can continually improve and disseminate the methodology, without political interference, which is quite common in Brazil, especially at times of change in public management, both municipal, state and federal. For this, we seek to build reputation with society and supporters and financial autonomy, so that the processes of improvement and dissemination can continue without depending on public resources.


Protagonism and Self-Leadership🙋🏿‍♀️ These are two important characteristics in a teacher's life. It is through them that we can have a clear view on our mistakes and successes, on our ability to execute.The environment can be hostile, but our capacity for achievement and excellence is exactly the element of promoting transformation. 🌱Do you already consider yourself the protagonist of your life?
In partnership with IPTI and researchers from Rice University (Houston, Texas, USA), Federal University of Ceará and Federal University of Sergipe, we work to build a methodology for assessing the impact of social technology Synapse on literacy in public schools .Once again, we bet on participatory construction to create an evaluation methodology that school teachers also participate in and give their opinion on. Then, the entire process will be done in an impartial manner, under the coordination of these universities.
We have already talked about the importance of contextualization in teaching, which is why in Synapse methodology the contextualization planning work begins with the choices of Themes and Subthemes to be worked in the classroom.These two words refer to the social environments in which children live. Our theme board was created with the local reality of children in Santa Luzia do Itanhy in mind, but it can be applied in different contexts.Just move on to the next image to see an example of our Pedagogical Notebook 📚Shall we create together? What themes do you suggest?
Every methodology has its basis📚Ours is the Synapse Matrix, which proposes learning objectives to be achieved in Language, Mathematics and Sensory-Motor Skills. Each objective must be achieved by students through strategies and activities designed, applied and mediated by the teacher in the classroom.The Objectives Matrix was created to facilitate the planning and execution of activities, and just as the information on contextualization and neuroscience it was built from the experiences of teachers from Santa Luzia do Itanhy!
IPTI | Instituto de Pesquisas em Tecnologia e Inovação | Documentos
A teacher doesn't live only in classrooms and reading books!👩🏾‍🏫Studies show that leisure time and pleasant environments are essential not only for health, but also for a good learning process.In this carnival, how about taking some time to explore your region and have a moment of leisure?🏞Can someone guess where the photo was taken?Tip: It is one of the cities covered by our Synapse Teacher Network.
Full room and attentive looks.👀On Friday (17), representatives of the Synapse Teacher Network were invited by the MIT Global Startup Lab to present the RPS model to students at Tiradentes University interested in technology and entrepreneurship. The executive secretary of RPS Silvia Regina, and the reapplicator of the Synapse methodology, Aline Araújo, dedicated themselves to exposing the history of the network to students; starting with the initial development of the Synapse social technology, application and improvement by the reapplicant teachers until the launch of the Synapse Teacher Network, emphasizing the objective of disseminating, expanding and improving the methodology more and more, together with society.At the end of the presentation one of the students asks: where did Synapse technology come from?The answer couldn't be better: It didn't come, we built it!👐 If you want to know more about participatory construction just follow the page and wait for the next post!
It always starts with an idea 🧠In 2010, a dream was born, which became a project. The Synapse project is a technology for the literacy of Portuguese and mathematics, developed and continuously improved, in a participatory way, by @iptiorg and by teachers from municipal public schools, the majority of regions of extreme poverty.The pillars of Synapse are contextualization and planning, together with a model of continuing education where the best teachers in one municipality act as reapplicators in the next municipalities, ensuring greater empathy and effectiveness to the dissemination process.With the growth of the project, we, teachers who applied the Synapse methodology, faced a great challenge: how to ensure continuity, especially in the moments of government changes that usually result in changes in methodology?To face this challenge, the Synapse Teacher Network (RPS) was born.RPS is a network of literacy teachers who use Synapse social technology, created to act as a social enterprise aimed at promoting quality literacy for all children, in a long-term perspective.We have the idea, the dream, and now we have the perseverance to make it come true 👩🏿‍🏫
The journey to reach our goals is not always easy, but having goals, big or small, is part of what gives us purpose.We, at the Synapse Teacher Network, have a goal that is part of many people's dreams👩‍👧‍👦It is part of the ideal of those who fight for an egalitarian society 🤲"Our goal is to ensure that any Brazilian child has access to quality literacy"👩🏽‍🎓For this, we also aim to ensure the survival of our Network, so that we can continue to pass on our knowledge; from teacher to teacher, from student to student.Join our cause, support those who fight for education! 👨🏿‍🏫 We are RPS, We are Synapse.
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