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Studie 17

KlimaZirkus co-create with students and mentors from local businesses - We equip students with skills to deal with complexproblems and SDG's

We seek to understand how iterative processes affect learning, school systems and design learning space where everyone can learn, innovate, create, and have fun while sharing ideas and working together. The narrative for the us is to enable students to act as changemakers who find solutions to the challenges outlined in the SGD’s.


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February 2024
KlimaZirkus helps students to co-create with mentors from local businesses. This equip a student with skills to deal with complex problems and address SDG's through creativity and PBL.

About the innovation

Studie 17 is a meeting place for young people where they can discuss and work on innovative and operational ideas. Studie 17 is nothing less than a studium for change makers.

What we do?

We seek to understand how iterative processes affect creativity, learning, school systems and design learning space where everyone canlearn, innovate, create, and have fun while sharing ideas and working together. The narrative for the us is to enable students toact as change makers who find solutions to the challenges outlined in the SGD’s. The purpose of KlimaZirkus is to become theunified meeting point for the local and global community to discuss and design solutions to the global challenges outlined in theSDGs. We promote sustainability and innovation to students by engaging in co-creation between schools and businesses.Society faces a future with technology, climate challenges and the complexity of issues increases significantly. We address thischallenge through education offers the next generation the skills, competencies, personal character, and knowledge that isneeded to address complex problems like climate changes. Our didactic helps schools, teachers and companies to co-create.

We have a network of Studio 17.

Studie 17 is a meeting place for young people where they can discuss and work on innovative and operational ideas. Study 17has specially designed premises for project based learning where students can address the global challenges outlined in the UNDevelopment Goals. Studie 17 is nothing less than a studium for change makers.

STUDIE 17 is:

  • active STEAM education led by skilled teachers.

  • specialised STEAM rooms that are established and owned locally.

  • continuity, structure and resource sharing.•networking and sharing of experience.

  • engaging pupils to choose STEAM education and careers.

  • We help schools to create a culture build on creativity, art, PBL and SGD’s

  • Read about our didactics here: https://b3a6b573-d719-488d-971f-140ffdf15665.filesusr.

Why we do it?

KlimaZirkus-Building Workshop promotes creativity, sustainability and innovation to students by building studie 17 engaging in co-creation processes between students and local businesses.

To navigate through uncertainty, students need to develop curiosity, imagination, resilience and selfregulation. They will needto respect and appreciate the ideas, perspectives and values of others and to move forward in the face of adversity.Their motivation will be more than getting a high income; they will also need to care about the wellbeing of their friends andfamilies, their communities and the planet.We equip learners with agency and a sense of purpose, and the competencies they need, to shape their own lives andcontribute to the lives of others.Our key impact is to help countries, schools and other partners find answers to three farreaching questions:

  • How can we promote knowledge, skills, attitudes and values the students need to thrive and shape their world?

  • How canwe train our staff to develop these knowledge, skills, attitudes and values effectively?

  • How can we build a local “stadium” forfuture changemakers?

Implementation steps

Studie 17

Spread of the innovation

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