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How can teachers demonstrate the real-world application of STEM subjects?

A community for teaching and learning science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Scientix promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals.

HundrED 2018


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March 2017
Thanks to our supporters, Scientix is now able to provide a platform to get the knowledge flowing: to ensure that no project works alone, that no STEM centre or organisation has to start from scratch, that no teacher faces unaided the hard but most needed task of getting kids to know, like and dream about science.

About the innovation

What is Scientix?

It can be difficult to share best practices and new information about STEM education in an easy way. We need motivated, properly trained, well-equipped science teachers to prepare and inspire the next generation of scientists.

Engineering and technology are growing industries so it is necessary to inspire and prepare young people to work in STEM industries or to help them discover their talents for these areas.

Scientix gives teachers an easy-to-use online portal, which has inputs from experts in specific subjects, so they can teach their students the most up-to-date ideas and work in their chosen field.

By showing students how the subjects they are studying can be applied in real life and the usefulness of what they are learning, it increases students' personal motivation and engagement in class. Access to real-world examples and science activities can help to achieve this.

In its first phase, the project built an online portal to collect and present European STEM education projects and their results, and organised several teacher workshops. The main networking event was the Scientix conference held in May 2011 in Brussels.

The second stage of the Scientix project expanded this community to a national level. Through a network of National Contact Points, Scientix reached out to teaching communities across Europe, and contributed to the development of national strategies for wider uptake of inquiry-based, and other innovative approaches, to science and mathematics education.

Since 2010, Scientix has shared the work of over 500 projects with educators across Europe. This includes thousands of teaching materials, research reports and training courses in STEM education.

Whilst initially, the work was limited to eight languages. It has recently been expanded to cover all 24 EU languages. Additionally, it offers now Translation on Demand of teaching materials into more than 30 European languages.

The work presented for Scientixhas received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme – project Scientix 3 (Grant agreement N. 730009), coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN). The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the organiser and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability


Scientix systematically collects information about the work carried out by projects in STEM education in Europe, and makes it accessible to a large audience, consisting of educators, researchers, industry and policy-makers. This service is available in all official languages of the European Union.


Although Scientix is a platform for collaboration in STEM education in Europe, its sphere is truly global as it can be used by all people across the world. It works with National Contact Points and Ministries of Education in 27 European countries, as well as hundreds of Scientix Ambassadors, who are STEM teachers located in 38 countries across the world.


By sharing information and its peer-learning structure, Scientix facilitates a wide implementation of successful pilot initiatives in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education across Europe and the world as a whole.

Implementation steps

Get familiar with the Scientix community
Visiting the Scientix online portal is easy! Register and sign in as a user to experience the full range of possibilities available at

You can also subscribe to the Scientix Digest and Scientix Newsletter to get regular updates about news, events, resources and projects.

You can also follow Scientix on Twitterand Facebookfor live interaction.

Browse the project and resource galleries
To find teaching materials, research reports and training courses on STEM education, the Scientix project gallery and resource repository provide great ideas and inspiration in many languages.

The project gallery features information about hundreds of initiatives taking place in Europe, and how they are relevant to teachers and researchers. Information about other projects can also be submitted to Scientix, with a request to be published on the online portal.

The resource repository contains thousands of teaching materials, research reports and training courses in various European languages. If you cannot find a teaching resource you like in your language, you can request a translation of it from Scientix.

Participate in training activities
Scientix offers regular training activities in STEM education both online and onsite.

Online training activities include webinars, Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and Moodle courses. Onsite training activities include Science Projects Workshops at the Future Classroom Lab, and many other workshops organised by Scientix at events around the world.

Connect with your peers
By participating in the Scientix community, you will quickly become part of a network of educators, where you can seek support and advice in your profession, make new connections in the field and even strong friendships.

With opporunities such as networking events, the online meeting room, matchmaking tool, communities of practice and the chat tool make sure you check outthe communityto become as immersed in Scientix as you can.

Contribute to the Scientix community
As a platform fully dedicated to support collaboration, its members and participants can contribute to the Scientix community by presenting and promoting their own work and experience through the various opportunities offered.

Spread of the innovation

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