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School Innovation in the heart of Berlin: Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum

We are establishing an innovative learning culture for a sustainable future for all to reach the Global Goals by 2030.

The Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum provides an innovative pedagogical concept in which students are encouraged to develop personality, democratic competencies and responsibility enabling them to become local and global citizens. We empower students to engage in a free, sustainable and inclusive society and co-create solutions for societal and environmental issues along the Global Goals.


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Updated June 2019
Web presence




All students
Target group

About the innovation

School's the place to change the world for better. Here's how we do it:

Who we are

We are a community school in the heart of Berlin. 700 students from grades 7 to 13 visit our school. All state certificates can be achieved. There is no selection by school grades between elementary school and secondary school. This selection that is usually practiced in the German school systems is one of the most pressing issues in terms of social justice in Germany. Inclusion and learning in heterogeneuos learning groups is a core principle of our school: therefore our students learn in age-mixed classes (grades 7-9 and 10-11, as well as mixed project weeks with age mixes 7-13)

What we do

We focus on curiosity-based learning in self-organized learning spaces and learning expeditions. We develop democratic competencies in weekly community-based learning settings i.e. the weekly class councils and. We develop solutions for societal and environmental issues along the Global Goals in our project-based learning classes. We provide action-oriented learning in our subjects “responsibility” – our students take on responsibility outside of our school – and “the challenge” – each students gets 150,00 Euro per week to master a self-chosen 18 days challenge.

Why we do it

At the core of all of this is a school ethos - a commitment of the whole school community to include everyone and build a community to work for the better good. We want to contribute to the Agenda 2030 with its Global Goals and promote Sustainability and Global Citizenship amongst students, parents, teachers and our project partners.

We believe that schools are the most important spot to build a future-proof society. For this we need a dynamic and agile school culture that embraces change and cultivates continuity in terms of appreciative relationsships between students, teaches and parents. and strong partnerships with the thriving Berlin community.