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School diaries

We use stories to support a child's education

School Diaries is a disruptive edu-tech social venture that is using the power of stories to raise funding as well as to inspire and motivate kids especially girl children in low literacy communities to go to school. At school diaries we realise that funds are limited and this is affects support for educational causes alternatively we collect story donations and use it to support child education.


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Web presence






April 2019
Let's replace guns and swords in the world with pens and books in the hands of children. With your support we can

About the innovation

School Diaries

School Diaries is a disruptive edu tech that is using the power of stories to inspire a generation and raise funding to support a child's education with priority to the girl child.

At school diaries we realize that funds are finite and inelastic, thus this limits how much people can contribute to social causes. Hence, the need for a resource that is infinite and elastic. For us this resource is "A STORY". Thus we seek nonfictional story donations from the public and process it into finances for supporting children education.

School diaries has developed several models to turn this stories into cash, for the sustainability and profitability of the company and the support of this cause.

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