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Proyectarte: Believe is create

Experiential learning for a full life, a culture of peace and care for the earth.

Proyectarte offers a human formation based on art, reflection and action that allows personal, relational and social empowerment. Its projects are mainly carried out with girls, boys, youth and families in situations of exclusion, violence and violation of their rights.


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Target group
July 2020
(...) a being is in search of recover harmony itself, beauty itself, and that upon discovering, it has an effect, a very profound effect

About the innovation

What is Proyectarte: Believe is create

What we do?

We create processes of personal and collective transformation, based on an experiential learning for a full life, a culture of peace and care for the earth. Proyectarte develops a proposal of alternative social education based on: art reflection and action by means of:

*The development of projects in areas affected by rights violations.

*Own methodology formation.

How do we do it?

*Aesthetic spaces warm, friendly, and colorful environments.

*Artistic and reflective processes.

*The development of five methodological moments: Feel, Create, Think, Project and Give.

Why we do?

-To recognize and strengthen knowledge, talents, and rights.

-To overcome personal limits and tackle the mourning process.

-To build resilience

-To improve social skills.

-To unlearn violent habits.

-To build protective factors.

-To develop identity and strengthen relationships with ethics.

-To expand social circles, notions of territory, and options.

-To improve present and future living conditions.

-To develop social responsibility and environmental awareness.

With: Different groups in different contexts and environments: Children and youth, Educators, community leaders, students, and social and arts professionals

During the last 2 years, more than 300+ children from 6 differentpoor neighborhoods of the cities and rural areas throughout Colombia directly benefited from the "Believe is create" program.

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