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Project of future imagination-"Symphony of unhappy"

place Taiwan

Auralize the phenomenon of environmental injustice with VR and Lego bricks

Taking the conflict of ecological environment and city development issues in Taiwan as a starting point of Phenomenon based learning, a VR video combined with a Leap-motion virtual midi app as the medium to stimulate and imagine the audience's empathy to be a migratory bird. In the end, students have a discussion on urban planning, or a joint campaign with NGOs to increase citizens' awareness.


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Target group
January 2021
Our moral responsibility is not to stop the future, but to shape channel our destiny in humane directions and to ease the trauma of transition.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Jiading Wetland has the largest wetland communities in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. However, local government plan a Route No.1-4 by the Budget of 100 million NTD for savings only 90 seconds in traffic efficiency and relieve the traffic and crowds caused by tourists visiting black-faced spoonbill annually.
The conflict phenomenon between ecological environment and city development issue set the start scene

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The immersive experience brought by VR has been proved to be helpful to the limitation of the distance, and it is also in line with the imagination of virtual events in the theoretical framework of future imagination education.
The shooting of 360 panoramic photos/videos have been popular with the purpose of documentary the visual memory of traveling, and the interactive experience brought by Leap motion aero-midi player allows users to simulate the gestures with the first-person perspective of birds' sight, when this experience connected to the performance of playing piano, the most ingenious transformation of this topic appears there.

How has it been spreading?

I joined many Maker Faires to tour all major cities in Taiwan, design artworks for local issues, in some projects I cooperated with non-profit organizations for environmental protection, interact and dialogue with the public, and integrate critical thinking in art and humanities into STEM education as the mainstream opinion.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

1. Decide the injustice theme you want to address.
2. Do a quick research and collect some fact based on numbers of the background, identifies the conflict points of view.
Then Let students watch related stories or news, and act as a discussion of conflicting groups.
3. creative teaching planning include (A) Stimulus / Motivation phase (B) Brewing phase (C) Action / initiative phase.

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