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Personal Coaching

We believe that each student has the right to a personal challenge every day.

Personal coaching has been developed by Kunskapsskolan Education and is a fundamental feature of personalized learning in KED Program because it supports the student’s academic and personal development in a very profound way. The personal coaching method is based on thinking from several areas – from areas of motivation and developmental psychology, but also from pedagogy and cognitive psychology.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated March 2020
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All students
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Life is what I make it

About the innovation

15 minute teacher-student session

We educate for life

We prepare students to live and work in the modern, global society with its ever-changing challengesand difficult choices. ‘Education for life’ gives students the ability to see context and patterns,understand and interpret events, take decisions and make choices. It is a driving force for a continualdeepening and broadening of their knowledge, skills and understanding.

How we do it?

We provide personalized learning for students in K-12 education. Our education is tailored to theneeds and abilities of every individual student – regardless of age and educational level. All learningresources are organized to support the student’s goals and learning strategies at each point in thelearning process.

Through the coaching, the student learns to set goals, to develop personal learning strategies toreach the goals, to prioritize and manage time – and over time s/he develops ownership over her/his learning process. This constitutes the foundation for lifelong learning. The personal coaching alsoensures that the student’s learning is structured, supported and followed up on.

The focus of the coaching depends on the student’s needs and maturity. For a new student in a KEDschool, the personal coach provides firm guidance and support. As the studentdevelops, the focus gradually shifts to the student’s learning process and to guide the student towardsnew, challenging goals. The coach ensures that the student assumes the responsibility s/he can manage– no more and no less.

Due to the importance of the regular coaching of students, the set personal coaching sessions occur atleast every week for every student. Though the one-to-one personal coaching sessions, the logbook,the development discussion and the individual study plan comprise the basis for personal coaching,the ongoing dialogue between the student and coach is essential.

By working in this way, we believe that we develop close, warm and good relationships with our students. When our students get to know themselves, are trained to set goals, use different strategies and continuously evaluate their learning, they also develop their self-regulation.

Regardless of the students’ age, educational level and maturity, the quality and core of the couching isthe same- characterized by respect, positive expectations, trust, open questions, active listening andfull presence. And again – always adapted to the students needs.

We believe that life is what you make it

We give each student a foundation for personal development where self-discipline, self-knowledge, sense of responsibility and confidence in one’s own ability provide the basis for aconstructive attitude, the essence of which is that “life is what I make it”.

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