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Peer-to-peer resiliency and MindFUNness training

Empower the Next Generation by equipping them with a bully-proof vest, creating greater mental health and emotional well-being for children.

With daily practice of our peer-to-peer resiliency & mindFUNness training, we are building a strong foundation for children to strive using our senses, movement, imagination and much more. Research has shown that those that make a commitment to practicing mindfulness benefit from emotional agility. It’s like learning to ride a bike, the more you practice, the easier it gets.


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Updated November 2019




All students
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About the innovation

What is Peer-to-peer resiliency and MindFUNness training


Our aim is to Empower the Next Generation by equipping them with a “bully-proof” vest and creating greater mental health and emotional well-being for children between the ages of 4-10. With daily practice of this innovative peer-to-peer resiliency training, we’re building a strong foundation for children. Helping children develop greater self-awareness, emotional regulation and agility and creating healthy mindfulness habits, comparable to brushing your teeth or wearing a seat-belt. A recent Harvard study points out, “it is easier and less costly to form strong brain circuits during the early years than it is to intervene or 'fix' them later."


Research suggests that if a generation of children grow up practicing mindfulness every day they would process trauma in healthier ways, have fewer mental health and substance disorders, would be creative and discerning in the face of conflict and would be compassionate towards one another.

Problems at home or at school create negative effects for children in their development of core cognitive and emotional functioning. Depression & anxiety disorders fall into the top 5 causes of overall disease burden among children and adolescents in European Region and suicide is the leading cause of death among 10–19-year-olds as reported by the WHO Europe.


Mindfulness is the practice of moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle nurturing lens. Research in mindfulness shows that for positive outcomes, a regular mindfulness practice is very important. Yet this critical component is often missing in school-based practices & at home. Therefore this innovative peer-to-peer resiliency training was created. Teaching children the foundation to build their emotional well-being and mental health as well as building character, strengthening self-esteem and gaining emotional agility. By self-regulating their own emotions, children gain awareness, which is the cornerstone of any mindfulness practice.

Being emotionally agile in turbulent times is probably the greatest gift we can give our children.

The distinguishing innovation of this resiliency training is that it provides an automated method to deliver daily mindfulness practices with our peer-to-peer approach. As research shows using peer-to-peer learning allows children to easily learn from each other. They are more engaged in the learning process as they can relate to and share similar experiences with their peer-to-peer teacher & therefore are more inclined to learn.

Description of the results

Practicing our peer-to-peer resiliency training assists children between 4-10 develop self-awareness, self-control, resilience and compassion. Children also learn how to regulate their emotions and behaviors to minimize impulsive reactions. The result is improved grades & behavior of children.


Practicing this peer-to-peer resiliency training allows school systems to minimize major challenges they face, like academic performance, discipline problems, school climate and bullying. Students simultaneously experience a reduction in stress and an increase in attention. No matter what experiences students are exposed to outside of school, this training allows them to create strong habits of mind & heart through consistent reflective practices.

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