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Quality education for all

We dream of a world where there are no barriers to quality education. We also want children and adolescents to find a safe and learning space, where they can inspire others to achieve their goals through the development of their talents. Therefore, we work under methodologies designed to promote values ​​and skills through creative environments that promote experiential learning.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
October 2020
Education is the passport to the future, because tomorrow belongs to those who prepare today

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Cultivarte was born with the interest of becoming an agent of change for the lives of children and young people in Latin America, thus, strengthening their talents regardless of the conditions.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

At Cultivarte we have understood the preferences and needs of our beneficiaries. Therefore, our model offers a portfolio of options that beneficiaries choose in order to develop their talents and take advantage of their free time.

Among this portfolio are contents for rural areas, for educational institutions and for the beneficiaries who attend our headquarters. We develop our plan using five work areas that stimulate skills and allow the beneficiaries to develop in an integral way with their environment.

In this way we rewrite the history, not only of children and adolescents, but also of their communities. Meet and create with us a new story in the lives of those who can, want and have the right to be their best version.

How has it been spreading?

Our goal is to reach places where pedagogical programs have greater difficulties to consolidate and thus become a model of change to build a country. We currently have more than 80 venues in Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras and El Salvador, where children and adolescents find leisure spaces in which they develop the necessary skills to fulfill their dreams.

We have strategic allies in Colombia and Central America that allow us to develop our activities in the best way possible. The city halls are our main link in each place where we arrive, granting us free space to open operations. Through the mayors, we also managed to find the populations most in need of our work and in this way begin a journey full of dreams for the children and adolescents of Latin America.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If you want to be part of this initiative, contact us for more information:


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