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Octagon 4D

Want to bring augmented reality into your classroom?

Multidimensional flashcards, powered by augmented reality technology, that enliven the learning processing by allowing students to witness animals and dinosaurs come to life and interact with them. Learners broaden their knowledge while having fun!
HundrED 2018


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HundrED 2018

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September 2017
Learning should be fun! We believe that technology can play a positive role in sparking the love of learning in children.

About the innovation

What is Octagon 4D?

Technology can be a powerful tool toinspire and engage students. Through augmented reality,learning can become a more dynamic and engaging experience, but it can be difficult tofindaffordable and simple to use tools that will add value to lessons without over-complicating them.

Octagon Studio provides teachers with an opportunity to easily and inexpensively bring augmented reality technology into the classroom, through the use of4Dflashcards. Each card contains a combination of images and information. Flashcards are availableto support the learning of many different subjects, including animals, space, dinosaursand human anatomy.

An app is used to bring the image to life, combining elements of the real classroom environment and animation to allow learnersto interact with the images. For example, placing a banana and monkey card next to each other causes the monkey to grab, peel and eat the fruit. The 4D images can be accessed individually or in small groups on devices such as smartphones or tablets, or can be shown to whole class by connecting the device to a projector or screen.

Augmented reality technology appeals to a wide variety of learners and provides authentic and dynamic learning experiences. The ability to interact with the image by manipulating it provides a deeper level of engagement, which enhances the enjoyment of learning.

Octagon 4D flashcards can be used to stimulate learning for young children in a variety of subjects, particularly science.Schools can also use the cards as alanguage learning tool by utilising the multilingual feature. Fun and engaging lesson plans are provided to support teachers in integrating this technology into the classroom.

Octagon Studio’s researchers and developers workwith education specialists to ensure the flashcards are always high quality.For thespace flashcards, Octagon Studio even collaborated with the European Space Agency.

Octagon Studio has been recognised with several awards, includingTop App Innovator at the Innovative Awards 2017 and Best App at theWearable Technology Show 2016.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability


Octagon Studio brings technology into the classroom in a way that is affordable, engaging, high quality digital education content.


There has been mass positive feedback from users on social media, as well as reported impact use in the classroom by teachers.


Octagon Studio apps have been downloaded over 1 million times and more than 400,000 cards have been sold worldwide. Octagon Studio products are used in over 50 countries worldwide & their apps are equipped with multiple languages. The physical cards are in English, but several of licensees have produced the cards in their native languages for local distribution purposes.

Implementation steps

Get more information
Find out about the flashcards and how they can be used to teach subjects from prehistoric creatures to human anatomy.

Visit Octagon Studio's websiteto watchhow-to-videosfor each product and download sample cards for free.

Download the app
Grab a gadget and go to Play Store or App Store!

Search for the Octagon 4Dapps and download them for free. Try scanning the sample cardsand see the images come to life on screen.

Get the full deck
Find out where to get flashcards by visiting the Octagon stockist and distributor list.

The flashcards are available all over the world, it's simply a case of finding the nearest stockist.

Prepare to bring augmented reality into the classroom
Become acquainted with the resources before using them in the classroom.

Get the flashcards and one or more gadgetsready for classroom use. Students can use devices individually or in groups, or a device can be connected to a projector so that the whole class can see.

Have fun while learning
Time to get creative! There are plenty of ways to integrate the cards into lessons.

Teachers can show the cards on screen and ask students to describewhat they see and hear. Learners can practice foreign languagepronunciation and expand their vocabularies. Or maybespread the cards around the classroom and get the children to run around looking for particular animal cards based on descriptions, and ask them to imitate the sound of the animals after hearing it from the app!

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