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Nos Vemos en la Escuela (NVELE - See you Back in School): Inclusion for underrepresented groups

Teachers and community leaders transforming the lives of children left out of the school system.

Since 2019, NVELE creates alternative classrooms in community spaces to motivate kids from slums and rural areas to return to school. NVELE has reached 15K+ kids including disabled & indigenous groups neglected in remote areas. Aseinc has trained 518 teachers and community leaders in accelerated learning & inclusive pedagogy, and offered psychological support (socioemotional areas) for 28K cases.

HundrED 2024


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HundrED Global Collection 2024

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Target group
Students basic
May 2023
Aseinc aims to reduce the increasing figure of children left out of the school system with a program that trains community leaders, promotes the importance of formal education, offers grade leveling and social emotional learning, life plan, educational games and tools to prevent or reduce violence and gender inequality in less benefited communities, specially in indigenous and disabled groups.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

After COVID19, 1.5M+ children from rural and urban slums remain out of the Venezuelan school system. The socio-economic crisis has disproportionately impacted indigenous groups who lack basic services (WASH, food security, education or connectivity) and have a violence component in their communities. Aseinc has combined NVELE and Aulas de Paz (HundrEd 2022) to offer an integral response.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

NVELE addresses the needs of children left out of the school system, living in vulnerable and high-risk sectors. The integral program aims to identify, engage, train, and equip not only teachers but parents, caretakers, and community leaders to become NVELE multipliers. Minimum skills are required: literacy, math, and self-motivation to deliver. NVELE develops children's linguistic and mathematical skills through stimulation of logical and critical thinking, socioemotional strategies, and management of soft skills, combined with a food program for participating families. Aseinc opened 20 “alternative classrooms” for indigenous groups and incorporated the Aulas de Paz program, to build and reinforce a culture of peace with tools to manage emotions and reduce domestic violence for those living in crowded conditions (3modules methodology: “I recognize myself”, “I recognize you", "We live together"). After a year of leveling NVELE has a transition process to bring students back to school.

How has it been spreading?

Since 2019 and with the support of key social responsible partners (Education Cannot Wait and UNICEF) Aseinc created 245 alternative learning centers, 735 NVELE alternative classrooms in Venezuela; reached 14.7+K children and adolescents participated; 53.3K+ food kits, 43K+ hygiene and 25K education kits were provided. Up to date 28ktK cases received psychosocial support and 1,5K+ information flyers were distributed. Aseinc has trained 518 Community Facilitators in inclusive pedagogy and fast learning to support more than 3,1K children and youth to return to school. Even though 80% of kids participating in the program were leveled according to their grade and age and enrolled in their local school, there are still 5,6K kids out of school in the communities where the program is implemented.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If any organization or community is interested in NVELE, Aseinc (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Educación Integral y Comunitaria /Association for the Development of Comprehensive Education and Communities) can share information on how to adapt this socioemotional program to other vulnerable communities, and prepare teachers and community trainers. Email Carolina Orsini, Executive Director.

Impact & scalability

HundrED Academy Reviews

The approach works well to bridge learning gaps for children from underserved communities. NVELE highlights itself as an important piece in the Venezuelan education system puzzle, that reinforces community development to create learning environments.

Equipping local community members/caregivers with tools is highly scalable as it does not rely on external trainers.

- Academy member
Academy review results
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

Identify NVLE's Community Facilitators
When a community agrees to receive the NVELE program, Aseinc identifies, engages, trains and equips not only teachers but parents, caretakers, and community leaders to become NVLE's Community Facilitators. Minimum skills are required: literacy, math, and self-motivation to deliver the program. This training process has a formal protocol created and provided by Aseinc, including a follow-up process tailored to each community in their own language. A group of NVELE psychologist are also trained
Creation of NVELE alternative classrooms
NVELE creates alternative classrooms in any available community spaces.
These spaces include parishes, homes, dining rooms, community centers, hospitals, libraries, etc.
Each NVELE space is equipped with notebooks, educational texts, values and messages ​​formatted in flyers, chat forums and games.
Delivery of NVELE contents
With a flexible schedule to attract beneficiaries, NVELE is based on the principles of accelerated learning and inclusive pedagogy. All children and adolescents out of the school system, including indigenous or disabled groups receive linguistic and mathematical skills through the stimulation of logical and critical thinking, combined with social emotional strategies, psychosocial care, complementary food support and hygiene program, reinforced with a comprehensive violence prevention plan.
Aulas de Paz: Peace and Non-Violence Culture
NVELE incorporates the Peace Classrooms program (HundrEd 2022) to build a culture of peace and non-violence in vulnerable rural and urban slums. It aims to reduce domestic violence for people living in crowded conditions. Aseinc facilitators offer a series of games, origami, dynamics and strategies with different values to children and adults; work mediation and conflict resolution, enhancing individual and group self-knowledge; management of emotions; working as a team and respecting diversity.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
To achieve best results, Aseinc improves programs before-during-after the implementation. To collect data uses surveys, interviews, observation and other methods. Analyses results, best practices, trends and areas of improvement. Adjustments are incorporated to improve the NVELE (and sub program Aulas de Paz) methodology and tailored to impact communities as this is one of the benefits of the program: versatility. Findings and results are reported to stakeholders accordingly.

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