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Nordisk skolechat (Nordic schoolchat)

A ground-breaking and exciting way to meet and chat with students from other schools in the Nordic Countries!

Nordisk Skolechat provides a unique opportunity for the students to train their ears to understand the similarities and differences between the closely related Nordic languages (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish). Nordisk Skolechat brings children and young people across the Nordic borders in direct contact with each other and creates a playful space for important linguistic and cultural meetings!



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






January 2020

About the innovation

What is Nordisk skolechat?

Nordisk Skolechat is a free chat-event, where Nordic students can communicate directly with other students from around the Nordic region in a chat-roulette. During the chat event, there are two chat-windows open on the screen – one where the students can see themselves, and one where the students can see a randomly selected student from another Nordic country. The students can jump from one Nordic meeting to another by clicking next in the chat-program.

Students from any Nordic country can participate in Nordisk Skolechat – all they need to do is gather the courage to communicate in Danish, Norwegian or Swedish.

Nordisk Skolechat has developed three different concepts to transform the learning process into a fun and optimized game-like activity. The ‘Geo-hunt’ challenges the students’ knowledge of the geography of the Nordic region. In the ‘Celebrity Game’, the chat participants are assigned the names of famous individuals, but the chat-window only shows the “celebrity-identity” of the chat-partner. By asking each other questions, the students then need to guess, which celebrity they are themselves, and they have only five minutes to do so! The last concept ‘Question-hour’, allows the students to steer the conversation themselves, and ask questions about what they want to know more about.

Nordisk skolechatis a project developedby Norden i skolen, an educational platform administrated byForeningerne Norden.

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