This innovation focuses on children’s building and construction technology activities in education to contribute new knowledge about teachers’ and children’s volitions during activities play. Children’s practice with different tools and models enables them to develop their language at the same time they explore and discover phenomena in the world around them.
Construction activities involve many subjects such as science, mathematics, language, technology and arts, and through construction children are exposed to the intersection of these areas, also typical in society and the environment. The approach is to study the learning objects and concepts visible in the children’s and teachers’ activities in technology. The purpose of the innovation is to contribute new knowledge about children’s volition at Nelis schools play to identify, build and improve technical constructions. Two different kinds of constructions are learned: houses and vehicles. The focus of the analysis is children’s use and handling of different materials, to understand their experiences of the materials’ characteristics in different constructions. The absence of resources, such as books, adequate classrooms and trained teachers, is the main barrier to children’s education in emergencies.
There are countless stories and examples of how children around the lake zone are capturing opportunities to learn and enjoy themselves as the technology platforms shape their own paths into adulthood. Often without the help of adults, they are using technology platforms to do their homework; learn how to play the guitar or make their mother’s favourite soup; chat with friends; access educational and other information; bring positive change to their communities; find out what’s happening locally and globally; and design and write blogs to express their talents and opinions. These opportunities must be considered alongside the reality that they are not available to millions of children, as well the risks of life technologically and the potential impact of connectivity on children.
If the growth of innovative ideas, skills and knowledge sharing effectively can be increased to facilitate children’s movement and full inclusion in the society. Then, we can foster the technology platforms for children in building strong relationships in the wider community and design and write blogs to express their talents and opinions.