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My Child My Concern Foundation

place Ghana

Transforming and sustain livelihood of the vulnerable through education

We educate, support and encourage parents and caregivers about the need of their responsibilities towards their children's education. In educating the parents we organise outreaches to various deprived communities and vulnerable communities. Support: we provide education materials such as books and uniforms and reading materials. We help parents to raise funds to take care of their wards.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
April 2023
Children begin to see or identify the need for education and its importance in ones life. Parents will no more put all their challenges and burdens on government, Donors and philanthropists. Parents participating in educational programmes and policies will help build quality and affordable education.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Most parents and caregivers do not pay much attention to their children's education. Others don't even understand the need for educating their children. Some parents do not even perform their basic responsibilities.
Most parents and caregivers in the remote communities don't take education seriously due to ignorance and illiteracy.

To solve continues poverty and vulnerability.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We help parents caregivers to take care of their own responsibilities and transform their livelihood and sustain it.
We have introduced a financial scheme for some communities where they contribute money purposely for their children's education.
We believe in self reliance and sustainability.

The methods are community education, mentoring through volunteering.

How has it been spreading?

Parents and caregivers have started contributing towards their children's education by paying fees and providing major needs of the children.

Our goal is to help transform communities and families living in poverty through their own efforts and our support.
We are also working to help the vulnerable to attain a certain level of financial independence by making use of the available resources at their disposal.
To understand the need for education and the use of available resources to improve life.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

One needs to understand the people, identify their challenges and use their hidden strengths to help transform their livelihood.

Implementation steps

Community involvement
1. Visit communities and families.
2. Find out their challenges in connection with education
3. Enlighten them on some benefits of education and how it can transform them. Possibly through outreaches, home visit and community meetings.

Spread of the innovation

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