Strained education resources limit safe and relevant learning opportunities in Jordanian public schools which produce responsible inclusive communities. The innovation was created to build social cohesion in conflict-affected communities and promote equity in access to engaging and meaningful learning opportunities to children in vulnerable and under-served communities.
Masahati relies on motivated and competent school personnel who receive training and a proprietary curriculum to implement different clubs after school hours. The clubs operate for four hours per week throughout the school year. Each school announces to the students the different clubs at the beginning of the semester and asks interested students to join. Vulnerable and at-risk children are specifically targeted and are encouraged to enlist. Diversity is actively maintained in the clubs where refugee children, children with disabilities, and other minority students are also specifically targeted. Since piloting the program in 2016, Masahati has reached 23,294 students in 92 public schools. Evidence collected since 2016 has supported the impact of the clubs on students’ school adjustment, attendance and prosocial tendencies. The program also sensitizes teachers and school-heads to protection and inclusion needs and processes.
Masahati has reduced violence amongst students, reinforced positive prosocial behaviors, and influenced students’ sense of empowerment and initiative to contribute to society. Over the last 2 years, 47 schools have implemented Masahati, engaging 6,750 students. A pre and post survey in 2021 reflected increased students’ expression of beliefs in equality and non-violence among girls and boys by 44% and 105%, respectively. Over the next 3 years, Madrasati aspires to scale the program to become accessible to all public schools in Jordan. Madrasati will continue building the operational manual, testing the model, and advocating with decision-makers and education partners to increase demand and enable its implementation on a national scale through the education budget.
As of 2023, parties interested in adopting the program will be able to request the operational manual for Masahati from Madrasati Initiative or the Jordanian Ministry of Education, which will also guide them on engaging with children, parents and schools to assess needs and evaluate implementation. For further information, please contact