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MwalimuHub (

place Tanzania

21st century Teachers for Quality Education

Teaching in the 20th century was teacher-centred. In the 21st century, many transformations in education have taken place, which need teachers to shift from teacher-centeredness to learner-centredness, changing their roles to become facilitators. ICT can be an enabler of this shift. MwalimuHub trains teachers on face-to-face and offers online courses that help them improve their teaching practices


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated March 2021
Web presence




Target group
"The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration our growth is limited to our own perspectives” –Robert John Meehan.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Many teachers in developing countries don't get a chance to make it to the professional development programme organized by their governments. However, there is a need to help teachers improve their teaching practices. MwalimuHub decided to help teachers in many ways to go with the 21st century teaching practices by offering face to face training and online courses accesses via mobile devices.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

MwalimuHub works in two ways:
1) Providing teacher training on face to face mode where we meet teachers in a school or training centre and train them on specific and relevant areas to the 21st century teaching pedagogies
2) Developing and offering online courses to teachers: Today, over 90% of teachers possess smartphones. This means that they can be able to access online content and resources from where they are at their own convenience. Using educational technology tools can help develop themselves professionally. MwalimuHub thought of helping teachers in this direction.
3) Providing support to teachers: The support is in terms of responding to their questions about the use of technology in teaching and learning. We have regular discussions that keep running on our Facebook page and Whatsapp and Telegram groups.

During Covid-19, MwalimuHub developed an Online Course named "Teacher Professional Development for Remote Teaching that helped many teachers to engage students at home.

How has it been spreading?

Achievement in the past 2 years
1) Creation of two more courses that helped a number of teachers to be trained in the use of technology in teaching and learning.
2) Collaboration with school teachers to create content for other teachers. Co-creation has been one of the most important activity that teachers show how they can be able to transfer what they have been able to learn.
3) Teachers from different African teachers: WE have been able to provide service to teachers from different African countries such as Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, Rwanda, to mention a few.

Goals for the next 2-3 years
1) Collaborate with teachers from different countries to create more online courses.
2) Reach more teachers in Africa.
3) Train teachers on more technology tools to help improve their teaching practices.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To adopt this solution:
>We can offer Course setup file (Moodle package) of all the courses to those interested parties so that they can upload them into their Learning management systems and be ready to use.
>We can provide online training (support) to those who may want to extend our work to other countries.

name: Lucian Ngeze
Phone: +255687635696