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Montserrado Bee Project

The Montserrado Bee is created to enable children improve their literacy and learn key social skills and develop a positive attitude.

The Montserrado Bee is created to enable children improve their literacy, learn key social skills and develop a positive attitude towards life. The Montserrado Bee is a County spelling competition among primary schools in Montserrado. The project will directly benefit sixty-eight (68) primary students (Public and Private) representing sixty-eight (68) schools.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated April 2019




All students
Target group
"Words change the world" "Successful people are confident, have the right attitude and a right set of life skills". "Use your Talent to make an impact in the lives of others"

About the innovation

The Montserrado bee is a County spelling competition among primary schools in Montserrado that will give primary students the opportunity to compete and prove themselves against their counterpart in public and private schools on an equal footing. This project will last for four months (March-June) in Montserrado county.This Project is intended to help Primary students have higher capacity to spell, give correct pronunciation of words as well as master their meanings. It will also improve their speaking and reading skills. Above all, it will make students to realize that it is through hard work one can excel in his/her academic and other circular endeavor. The project will directly benefit sixty-eight (68) primary students (Public and Private) representing sixty-eight (68) schools from all seventeen (17) electoral districts in Montserrado County and will also indirectly benefit approximately over five thousand (5,000) persons including students, Parent, and well-wishers.

This Project is designed to help develop children’s confidence, presentation and cognitive skills positively shaping their attitudes for life. This project seeks to help students/schools:

• To build students to learn concepts and develop correct English usage

• Develop cognitive skills and increase understanding of ideas and values making students competent to pass standardized tests.

• Build confidence and presentation abilities that will make students succeed.

• Encourage students to read at all time.

• Bringing about competition among Pupils.

This project came into being base on the following problems:

Liberia is significantly behind most other Sub-Saharan and low- and middle-income countries in terms of its performance on education indicators. The challenges to education are significant: they include the 14 year-long civil war, through which much of the trained workforce was killed; tens of thousands of children were either killed or abducted into armed forces; and schools were destroyed. Another major challenge to education has been the 2014 Ebola outbreak during which schools were closed for seven months, disrupting the normal school cycle. Many of Liberia’s primary and secondary schools and students are concentrated in and around Monrovia, Monsterrado County. In 2014, there were 949 primary schools in Montserrado county and 130,272 pupils, followed by Nimba County, with 573 schools and 64,481 students (EPDC Spotlight on Liberia). Montserrado is also, by far, the County with the largest number of secondary schools (523) and students (90,236). Like primary schools, the majority of these schools are private.

Failure rates at public test (WASSEC) remain very high in Liberia. Students show very poor spelling competence even at point of graduation from high school/universities. Students lack opportunities to develop healthy competitive spirit in a competition that gives no room for cheating, violence or rancor. Students in rural schools (in Montserrado or other counties) rarely have opportunities to compete and prove themselves against their counterparts in urban and private schools on an equal footing. 43.82% (0-14 years; male, 038,452/female 1,016, 491) of Liberia’s 4.5 million people are children between 0-14years and the future belongs to them. In December 2013, the benchmark for Liberian grade 1 students reading at above 25cwpm was 3% (USAID). Recent assessment of Liberian students at early grade levels shows that the students are reading on a 14.6 words per minute; that is very low as compared to the international benchmark of 45-60 words per minute (USAID 2014). However, even grade 3 students were still not on average attaining a level of reading skill adequate to ensure full comprehension of what they read. Liberian student performance in reading remains far below U.S. or other developed country standards.

Implementation steps

Bee Project

STEP BY STEP Guide As Indicated Below

ActivityPerson(s) ResponsibleMonth

Project Inception:

Prepare Sponsorship Proposals for institutions

Sending out awareness for schools to register

Implementation phase

School's Sign-Up

Spelling Handbook Publishing

Training of Judges

Official launched of the Project

Schools Spelling Bee competitions

Inter District Spelling Bee Competitons in various locations

Montserrado Bee Grand Finals

(which include all the qualify candidates from various locations)

Media Campaign and Promotion

(from Start to end of the project)

Spelling Club Development

Evaluation and Report

Road Map

Proposal- Do a very comprehensive project proposal to institutions that are align with your activity, Sponsorship Proposal for Business and Eminent residents of your community and all other source of funding. Make follow-up as much times as possible to secure funding for your project.

Awareness for Schools –send out communications to various primary schools in your country, City, or Community telling them about the project and that you desire their school to participate in your project. Indicate in your communication the type of students you need and the number of student(s) you will need from their institution, criteria, rules and a brief summary of the project. Indicate other information as you wish.

Registration- Registration for the competition will be entirely FREE depending on your choice and sources of funding for the project. Each registered primary school will receive a booklet containing thousands of words which will be use for the competition. Registration centers should be a designated office, offices of any sponsor and a list of selected schools evenly spread around throughout the project location. Make as much follow-up as possible.

Launching Ceremony- the Project should begin with an official launching ceremony, which should if possible convene sponsors, students, keynote-speaker, officials of government and other national and international institutions. The ceremony should also entertain speeches and remarks from organizers, sponsors, special guest and other performance by artists and groups.

Round One-shall be the preliminary rounds for the competition which will be held on the same day in selected primary schools evenly spread across the project locations to make accessibility easy for the participating schools. Round one will focus on getting a school to represent the district at the inter-district bee competition. These rounds will target specific numbers of primary schools.

Round-Two-will be the Final round in which the best candidates from the first rounds shall qualify for the final rounds. The shall consist of the best primary school representing location. This round will focus on getting the best three spellers for the competition.

Awards and Dinner

You and your partners should give winners a star treatment which will serve as a motivation for other students. This program shall include: parents, sponsors, students, well-wishers and organizers. The competition shall award cash prizes to individual winners: medals, certificates and educational materials (reading books) to the winning schools. This award and Dinner Night will climax the entire competition.

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