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Moi Panda

place Finland

Moi Panda helps children truly become global citizens!

Moi Panda provides a social and educational APP for both children and parents to make friends worldwide. We believe that if all children would have the chance to use Moi Panda, it would significantly reduce the loneliness, develop their social skills with diverse people and really help them feel better and become good persons.


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Web presence






Target group
May 2022

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Everything started from my own story. When I noticed my son became less and less talkative, and increasingly addicted to screens (games and videos). Even worse, he eventually refused to speak a single word of my mother tongue to me, my relatives, and friends in China. My heart hurt so badly but when I looked around, I know it will only be worse when he gets older.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We identified that social interaction is the most natural, motivating and efficient way to lean things, especially for language learning, however the problem that both parents and children are facing is that it’s so challenging to arrange such socializing opportunities. They either have to travel somewhere or invite friends to visit, but the social cost is so high concerning time, energy and money. Because of that, it causes many other problems. Unfortunately, pandemic makes everything even worse.

To conquer those problems, we bring the synergy of three important elements: language learning, socializing and communicating, and making friends, with the key philosophy of learning by practicing. It’s fun and easy, anytime and anywhere, efficient and sustainable, meaningful, and most importantly it’s safe because children’s own parents are invited. It happens just like a play date!

How has it been spreading?

We have been using word of mouth marketing and other free marketing, but we received thousands of contacts who would like to use our service. Next couple of years, we will increase our user base to million cross-continent = worldwide.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Download from App. Currently, we offer invite only which means that you should contact us first and then we guide you though downloading.

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