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Mentoring of Primary School Teachers and Leaders

Edufundi is a primary school education non-profit organisation providing mentoring support to school leadership teams and teachers.

Edufundi works in 48 primary schools in under-resourced communities in South Africa. In order to best support teachers, Edufundi has adapted the excellent teaching practice "Teach Like a Champion" by Doug Lemov. Edufundi mentors provide weekly support to their mentees creating a supportive relationship that allows the teachers to deliver excellent education to all children in their school.


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Updated June 2019
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All students
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I’m ecstatic that Edufundi works so hard to provide teachers with tools that allow them to love their work, stay in the teaching profession and ensure that children thrive and learn.

About the innovation

Unlocking the potential of our children through in-classroom teacher mentorship and support

What we do?

Edufundi is an education based non-profit organisation which provides mentoring support to primary school leadership teams and educators. Edufundi has been in existence since 1998, with the continued aim of improving educational outcomes for previously disadvantaged learners in South Africa.

Edufundi currently works in 48 primary schools in under-resourced communities, across four provinces in South Africa. Our mentors support 262 teachers, thereby benefiting the 12,221 learners they teach.

Edufundi works in partnership with and supports Provincial Education Departments to achieve South Africa’s goal of improving educational outcomes for all learners in our country. Our methodology is based on international best practice, coupled with local research from South African education experts.

The Edufundi mentoring programme and the Edufundi Teach Like a Champion Workshops received official accreditation from SACE (South African Council for Educators) in 2017. Provided certain criteria are met, those who opt into the programme can gain professional development points.

Why we do it?

Education is widely regarded as the key means to realise the aspirations and potential of our country’s young people. However, more than twenty years have passed since South Africa’s transition to democracy and we have yet to see this becoming a reality. The need to improve the quality of education in South Africa is now more urgent than ever before. While progress has been made in terms of structural and policy shifts from the apartheid education system, the majority of young South Africans continue to be extremely disadvantaged by our basic education sector. Poor exam results, high failure rates, poor standards and low quality teaching and management, low output rates, overcrowded classrooms, high dropout rates and low literacy and numeracy rates characterise the public education system*. Other challenges include insufficient teacher training, ineffective curriculum and instruction management, unresponsive district management, and human capacity weaknesses in teaching, management and district support.

In terms of our impact, Edufundi underwent an independent evaluation conducted by the Centre for Social Development in 2016. Educator interviews revealed that Edufundi is meeting the predetermined outcomes it has set as an organisation. These outcomes were that Educators had increased competencies in the following areas:

  • Improved content knowledge and pedagogic skills

  • Increased creativity and resourcefulness in their approach to teaching

  • Improved motivation, confidence and commitments

  • Improved ability to transform classrooms into learning environments

CSDA evaluation

Our Lead Like a Champion Programme

The single most important component of the entire education system is the dynamic relationship that exists between the teacher, the learners and the curriculum itself. All of the policies, processes, structures and activities across the education system should therefore be structured in such a way as to enable and enhance the processes of teaching and learning in the classroom.

Edufundi’s Lead Like a Champion programme has been designed with this in mind in order to add value where it matters most – in the classroom. We call this the ‘instructional core’, as it is where teaching and learning takes place on a daily basis. The programme seeks to support and enhance the work done in the classroom and is key to achieving Edufundi’s overall objectives:

• Every teacher will have a set of practical tools for effective teaching and learning.

• The SMT will be equipped to support the continuous professional learning of teachers.

• The school will integrate the principles of the Edufundi programme into its culture and policies to ensure long-term success.

Effective leadership is crucial in order for a school to improve the quality of education it provides as well as for developing the skills and abilities of the educators themselves. While there are many approaches that can be used to improve learning in schools, all of these methods have one thing in common – the school management team (SMT) needs to create the enabling conditions for effective teaching and learning. This includes developing teacher capacity and building a school culture that promotes academic performance.

There is a substantial body of research that backs up the importance of effective leadership in education, so it is essential to provide ongoing support for individuals in senior leadership positions in order to ensure that they are equipped to continue performing their key roles at the required level.

Principals and SMTs are often so consumed by managing resources and completing the many administration tasks required by the Department of Education that the business of teaching and learning can end up slipping into second place on the priority list. It is therefore vital that teachers receive the support and guidance they need to ensure that they are in a position to serve the primary aim of a school, which is to ensure that all learners are educated effectively.

The core focus of our support to school management teams is around Instructional Leadership – in other words, leadership that is focussed on teaching and learning – and it is for this reason that we have partnered with renowned education and instructional leadership expert Dr Alistair Witten to strengthen and develop our offering to SMTs.

“It is important to build leaders’ capacity to lead schools in a way that will improve learning,” says Dr Witten, who highlights three of the key deliverables for principals and SMTs.

1) Create enabling conditions in which teaching and learning can happen.

2) Embed good practices throughout the school, thereby creating a school culture which should include routines, expectations, beliefs and values nurtured by the SMT in order to support openness to teaching and learning.

3) Build ownership and unlock agency, which is the ability of an individual or group to act on a situation and change it.

“When we do this well, we will have a sustainable model for taking the work forward,” adds Dr Witten.

Lead Like a Champion consists of a series of six 6-hour workshops conducted over a three-year period (two workshops held per year) with all members of the SMT. In each workshop participants work together to explore a specific area of instructional leadership and, in order to ensure that what was learned in the workshop is applied in practice (and to follow Edufundi’s successful principles of mentoring), we have introduced the role of a Leadership Support Coach. An ex-Principal from one of our schools has been hired for this role and will be providing regular support visits to SMTs in our Western Cape schools. Edufundi is currently piloting and refining this model of support in the Western Cape, but we are also fundraising with the aim of expanding this support to other provinces and our plan is to hire another Leadership Support Coach to take on this role.

The programme’s first two workshops were piloted at 17 schools in the Western Cape in 2018, with 78 SMTs attending the first workshop while 61 SMTs attended the second workshop. The focus of the first two workshops in year one of the programme was around “Building Up the School Management Teams”, and we started with the invisible aspects that guide school management teams such as moral purpose, vision, mission and values. We supported the SMTs by encouraging them to look at their own assets, explore ideas for how to work together as a team, enhance trust and introduce practical tools for effective developmental supervision.

Implementation steps

Adapt international methodology to suit your context

We then filmed these techniques in four official languages, English, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Afrikaans to ensure that our teachers could understand the techniques and adapt them to their classes to be taught in their home languages.

Edufundi YouTube Channel

We then categorized our techniques into three sections which form the three areas we focus on during our mentoring sessions:

1) Behaviour and Culture

2) Academic Ethos

3)Ratio and Checking for Understanding
Hire the right staff and train them well

We also provide intensive and ongoing training to our mentors. We have adapted international best practice from "Get Better Faster" by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo and we have used methodology from Match Education's short courses on supporting teachers.

We continuously look out for what is current and working and adopt it for our team to ensure that it works for our teachers in our context.
Develop tools and keep reviewing them
We have developed a culture of constant reflection and critical feedback to ensure that everything we are using works optimaally to best serve ourschools.
Get your programme accredited
Our teachers have to earn 150 professioanl development points in a 3 year cylce. We have earned 45 professional developmetn poitns for our metnoring programme and 5 points for teachers who attend all 3 of our workshop. Hence a teacher that particpates well in oru programme can earn up to 50 points a year.
Invest in excellent Monitoring & Evaluation systems
These tools allow us to report not only to donors but also to the schools we support to help them partner with us to achieve the best outcome for their students.
Celebrate your successes and partnerships
Over the course of the last few years we have had incredible results in the schools we support with dramatic improvements in learner achievement. It is important to celebrate our successes and celebrate our partnerships with the schools we support.

Spread of the innovation

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