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Lecturas Arenalinas - mobile application to promote reading and comprehension

place Peru + 3 more

Democratizing reading to educate in the reading habit in the new school

Lecturas Arenalinas is a mobile app that helps students follow a weekly reading plan, encouraging reading habits and comprehension. It assesses reading speed, comprehension, time, and fluency to effectively improve reading skills. With a virtual environment, it drives student progress in a constant and motivating way, developing their reading ability in a comprehensive and efficient way.
HundrED 2025


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HundrED Global Collection 2025

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Students upper
Target group
November 2024
- With Lecturas Arenalinas we seek to impact secondary level students, here they are not forced, here they are motivated by a habit that must be educated in order to achieve the graduation profile and be a critical and reflective citizen. - We also seek to contribute to obtaining outstanding achievement in ENLA and PISA assessments in reading comprehension at the country level.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

In 2019 we carried out the analysis of the results of the national ECE 2018 and 2019 evaluation in reading comprehension, our students obtained a low level of achievement. In 2018, only 10.3% understood what they read and in 2019, only 13.3% understood what they read. That is why our problem is: Low level of achievement in the competition: Read various types of texts in their mother tongue

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Lecturas Arenalinas addresses the problem of low level of reading comprehension in first and second grade students.
To achieve our purpose Lecturas Arenalinas offers students a weekly reading plan with texts, audios and their respective evaluation, allowing us to evaluate reading comprehension in parameters: degree of comprehension, reading speed, reading time and reading fluency, all supported by evidence. product of the comprehension of the read text. In order to later provide adequate feedback and achieve the competencies of the Peruvian National Curriculum: Competence 8. Read various types of texts written in the mother tongue. Competence 27. Manages their learning autonomously. Competition 28. Develops in virtual environments generated by ICT.
We use the application to motivate them, help them improve their reading skills while using technology. Downloads:

How has it been spreading?

Results for the year 2024
- At a qualitative level:
• Greater interest in reading in students.
• Increase in reading time per week.
• Improvement of the degree of comprehension.
• Increased reading speed.
• They perform responsibly using ICT.
• They show greater autonomy in their learning.

- At a quantitative level:
• Average weekly reading time: 1 hour to 4 hours.
• Daily reading time: 10 minutes to 1 hour.
• Degree of comprehension of the text: 90%
• Reading speed: 200 words per minute.
• We have a greater participation of female students with 60%.

- Over the years, we hope that our students: Develop an outstanding level in the competition: Read various types of texts in their mother tongue and consolidate ourselves as the first mobile reading platform in Peru.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

- If you are a school organization, NGO, just contact us by email at or by phone at +51 927490580
- If you are a student or free user, simply download the application from the Play Store -, create an account, then log in to use it.

Impact & scalability

HundrED Academy Reviews

This innovation not only focuses on outcome but also assesses mechanism to understand and enhance the reading performances. It clearly nudges students to have increased effort for reading ability at early stage. It also tracks and provides feedback.

With increasing user adoption across schools and colleges, its mobile platform offers scalable reading support, facilitated by comprehensive data collection for continuous improvement.

- Academy member
Academy review results
Read more about our selection process


✂️ Mención Lecturas Arenalinas - Educación Digital en las Américas: Buenas Prácticas para insírar.
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Mapeo de Buenas Prácticas en Educación Digital de Las Américas
Documento "Educación Digital en Las Américas: Buenas Prácticas para Inspirar", donde esta incluido Lecturas Arenalinas:
Mapeo de Buenas Prácticas en Educación Digital de Las Américas Mapa en español: Map in English:
Lecturas Arenalinas, app móvil para fomentar la lectura y su comprensión | Portal Educativo de las Américas
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Lecturas Arenalinas - App Móvil para fomentar la lectura y su comprensión
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Implementation steps

Step 1.- Implementation of content in the mobile application
Students propose authors and literary texts through their suggestions; these are implemented in the application in text formats, audio texts, plus weekly reading comprehension tests.
All of this is focused on the three capacities of the reading competence of different types of text in their native language: Obtain, infer, and reflect. Teachers grade the texts, provide the tests and challenges for their implementation in the mobile app.
Step 2.- Flipped Reading
Students read texts, listen to audio texts, and perform reading activities on the app outside of school to foster their autonomy and productive use of free time at home, socializing with their family.
The app records reading speed, time, and level of comprehension, allowing students to assess their skills and set new goals that they share in the socialization of their results.
Step 3.- Creation and production of digital evidence
In the classroom, students socialize and reflect on the texts they read, sharing their personal appreciations of characters, settings, and messages. They create scripts, podcasts, videos, and organizers.
They then produce a final product based on their understanding, with the best evidence hosted on the mobile app. Reading fluency is assessed with a rubric that includes app parameters, thus consolidating the development of comprehension skills and the use of the virtual environment.
Step 4.- Assessment and feedback on learning
The app allows you to check weekly results for each student based on the parameters evaluated. Upon completing activities, scores and virtual medals (gold, silver, bronze) are awarded, visible to teachers, parents, and students. Depending on the medal obtained, personalized feedback is provided to improve reading habits, also through an artificial intelligence chatbot that answers the student's questions.

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