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Laying the Foundation for Quality Teacher Professional Development: The Teacher Learning Center

place Indonesia

Empowering teacher learning communities for the professional growth of all Indonesian teachers.

Teacher Learning Center (TLC) is initiated as one of the solutions to cater to the limited access and diverse needs of Teacher's Professional Development (PD). It’s a structured independent learning organisation, managed by a group of selected teachers to plan, develop, and initiate contextual PD programs, under the supervision of local government.
HundrED 2024


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HundrED Global Collection 2024

HundrED Global Collection 2023

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March 2021
TLC enables me to reach out to more teachers, and provide contextualised and needs based training. Through TLC, I sharpen my skills as a teacher and coach my peers.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

With almost 4 million teachers in 514 regencies, the government has a huge challenge to provide equal opportunities and quality PD programs. Based on the philosophy of ‘from teachers, by teachers, and for teachers’, TLC is established as a solution to quality PD by promoting a public private partnership and providing contextualised PD programs, trained by local teachers.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The program consists of 4 stages:

The Pre-Program consists of a series of activities conducted to gain stakeholders’ commitment and to recruit potential teachers to be the candidate of Master Teachers and coordinators. A series of thorough recruitment processes took place including a knowledge test, focus group discussion, and pre-training session.

The second is Laying the Foundation, focusing on developing the Master Teachers and coordinators capacity in mapping teachers training needs analysis, developing contextual modules, and facilitating.

The third is strengthening the System. They conduct a series of face to face and/or blended trainings to other teachers.

The fourth stage focuses on sustainability of the program. While TLC is running their annual program, they also conduct self-evaluation together with other stakeholders and local government. The system has been well-established at this stage and ready to be handed over to the government.

How has it been spreading?

As TLC is initiated in a regency or province, TLC rolled out the PD programs to teachers in that particular city/ province/ regency. At the end of the first year of the program implementation, TLC is able to conduct PD for a minimum of 300 teachers. The numbers are increasing in the second and third year, and has the potential to reach up to 1000 teachers. The ability of TLC to cater to teachers’ PD needs, with the help of technology, enables TLC to scale its impact. Thus, it creates a snowball affect on learning improvement.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

TLC opens for a master teacher recruitment every year. Any teachers who meet the requirements are welcome to apply as candidates for Master Teachers and TLC coordinators. Once they are selected, they have to undergo training and coaching before taking their turn as facilitators/ master teachers.

Impact & scalability

HundrED Academy Reviews

The innovation has a high degree of impact for teachers, upskilling the profession throughout the region - ultimately this will impact the students and their life opportunities and educational attainment and engagement.

This program holds great potential for implementation on a large scale, with the support of diverse stakeholders, including crucial financial backing. It paves the way for widespread participation and success.

- Academy member
Academy review results
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