According to the World Economic Forum (2021) over a third of skills that people consider important for the workforce today will no longer be valuable in five years. Indeed children growing up today are going to facing a labour market that will feature contradictory trends, such as job displacement, increased labour productivity, and widening skills gaps.
Unsurprisingly, there is a growing push
Our solution is a journey framed by the experience of the team to look at ways in which to fill the gap in current education practices that do not satisfactorily address the social and emotional (and by extension some of the cognitive) tools to both survive and succeed in society. At the heart of our journey is the need to answer two (concrete!) questions:
Why is emotional intelligence important for children and society?
How do we identify and develop the skills that ensure children have enhanced emotional intelligence in the future?
Pupils fill a paper with 10 questions about emotional skills within being a part of a group. Answers are being match in a database, a plattform witch gives a roadmap a game how as a class work with the social- emotional skills. The teacher and a coach is doing the exercises together with the class. After the journey the pupils answer the same questions again, and hopefully the group has done progress, if not itś easy to do attend on a new adventure.
We hope that this innovation can be tested in autumn in two schools in Helsinki, one school in Turku and one school in Karjaa.
Contact us.