In order to select the ideal school for their child, parents can search for institutions all around Pakistan using the Jaamiah Schools and Colleges Directory.
The Jaamiah Directory has something to offer every family, whether they are expatriates looking for the best school for their upcoming assignment, local parents comparing schools with international curricula, or parents from around the world
Schools from all over Pakistan are able to market their institution to prospective families looking for the best fit for their child by building profiles/mini-websites that are information-rich and include high-resolution photos, videos, academic & admissions information, and social media links.
Our next milestone is #3: Muawin Web Platform—A Discussion Platform for Students, Educators, and Parents.
Just go to our website and you can use it for free. If you are the owner/administrator of some school or college and wants to join our platform, simply click on "Add Institution" and complete the registration process.