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Include2020 is a remote learning platform for diverse learners in underserved communities that can be accessed offline.

Include2020 is an inclusive education application that can be downloaded for offline access to Arabic-language inclusive education content. There will be sections of the application directed at adult caregivers, at siblings and at children with special needs. Content will focus on 1) Skills for independent living, 2) Academic skills, and 3) Communication skills.

Covid-19 solutions


HundrED has selected this innovation to

Quality Education for all during Covid-19

Web presence






Target group
June 2020

About the innovation

Our Work

What we do?

Include2020 is an inclusive education application that can be downloaded for offline access to Arabic-language inclusive education content. There will be sections of the application directed at adult caregivers, at siblings and at children with special needs. Content will focus on 1) Skills for independent living, 2) Academic skills, and 3) Communication skills.

The application's content will be produced by teachers who have been trained in inclusive education by A Global Voice for Autism, and who are refugees and unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These teachers are often unemployed or underemployed due to a lack of recognition of their teaching skills in the communities where they reside as refugees. They have many skills to offer and Include2020 will give these teachers the opportunity to use their skills to support children that face barriers when accessing education.

Why we do it?

Include2020 targets children with special needs in the Middle East who have largely been excluded from transitions to online education as well as children who have been excluded from school systems altogether due to their unique learning needs. Include2020 will capitalize on the high percentage of families who have a smartphone in thier households as a vehicle to disseminate content while accounting for challenges related to internet access by allowing all content to be downloaded and accessible offline.

Impact & scalability

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