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Human Circle

In a circle, humans connect, learn and grow wholistically, collectively and holistically.

It is a Monad of bringing learners from different perspectives in a place where they over a period of time share their organic knowledge on what makes us human and what authentic learning is. the circle starts with selective readings from different realms, inviting participants to reflect. Whenever each participant finds their own thread, they are asked to pay it forward and invite a wider circle.


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Updated May 2023
Web presence




Target group
Filling the gap between theories of learning and authentic knowledge generated by dynamic communities of learning in different contexts. Deep reflections on what is culturally and intellectually relevant to local communities when they approach and question fundamentals questions on education. Bottom- up knowledge with a process that is easy to follow and authentically fit within larger frame.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

There is much information on learning, pedagogy and philosophy of education, yet there is less organic knowledge that stems from communities of learners or educators. Theories of humanistic psychology are taught but not challenged by the context where learning happens. Creating "Human Circles" is a journey of starting from what knowledge each individual has, and build up from bottom- top approach.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

One indicator that the "Human Circle" met the core needs of learners is how individuals still use it in 2023. It was an initiation step where each learner felt responsible to know themselves, follow their own paths of learning and connecting their discoveries back to the same circle or in different frontier. Also, the concept of the circle is found to be rooted in the universal heritage of Human structures of knowledge. one of the indigenous communities in Africa uses exactly the same concept and its application within their cultural and intellectual frame work of reference and called it "Ubuntu". The circle , created in 2017, has been scaled up in different countries, with different learning communities, different challenges and points of reference. The circle needs clear intentions towards authenticity of learning. Following simple and easy to replicate steps and creating safe environment for exploration and questioning manifested the core concept easily.

How has it been spreading?

The "Human Circle" has achieved international recognition from Ecoversities Alliance that finds new alternatives of learning and teaching. Also, the concept of the circle is applied in different context:
1- using the innovation in teaching different subject matters, engineering, teaching French, psychology, design thinking, management and writing.
2- empowering emerging theater practitioners on skills and pedagogy of group dynamics.
3- creating organic communities on feminist psychology in the Egyptian context 2022.
My goals are:
1- to create digital map of "Human Circle" nationally ,regionally and internationally.
2- to build a Human Library where stories of learning are documented, digitally become visible and shared.3- finish my PhD thesis framing the learning of the "Human Circle".

If I want to try it, what should I do?

1- identify the core concept you want to explore.
2- choose the frame of thought, you want to start with.
3-select readings.
4- give yourself time to read and digest such readings on your own.
5- formulate 3- 5 questions you want to investigate deeper.
5- write a short paragraph.
6- invite people.
7- give space for reflections.
8- connect, and weave.
9- ask circle to pay it forward.10- contact me

Implementation steps

Plan for the Human Circle
- identify the core concepts and questions like: what is authentic learning? what makes us human? what does the identity of humanistic educator mean to you?
- select frame of thought from psychology (cognitive, humanistic or evolutionary).
- select different readings.
- build a concrete timeline of concepts and readings distributed over sessions.
- plan some of theater activities necessary for creating safe spaces for individual and group.
- write down, set intention and visualize whole circle.
Invite and build a community for the Human Circle
1- write an invitation for the Human Circle, use simple, direct and short description of the circle, objectives, durations, deliverables, location and timeline.
2- create a visually attractive call using raw pictures or any creative visualization that carries the idea of the circle.
3- design an application form, having questions to know more about participants.
4- create and share invitation in all targeted networks and communities of interest.
5- set clear dates of the beginning and ending.
Start your Human Circle
1- reach the location of the circle before arrival of participants and check its suitability, comfort and nurturing.
2- reach every session as early as you can.
3- start every session with theatrical physically appropriate activities to awaken the body and strengthen the connection between mind, heart, body and place.
4- use mindful exercises for regular check in.
4- put a quote from the readings in the middle of the circle and initiate discussions. 5- direct and facilitate circle discussions.
Hold space for deep reflections in the circle
1- encourage participants to share how they understood the quote at the heart of the circle.
2- ask participants to refer to pieces of readings that support their understanding.
3- hold space for deep reflections on individual level.
4- facilitate the sharing of each one "knowledge" with the whole circle.
5- take notes and ask questions on the sources and origins of the outcome of the reflections.
6- write some ideas on a board to be seen by everyone.
7- find out similarities, connect and weave
keep the rhythm and flow of the circle
1- keep on the structure of circle.
2- repeat the same structure for each meeting over a period of time.
3- after first five meetings, create a friendly space to share feedback.
4- notice if any challenges appear and find out creative ways to handle them.
5- build each new meeting for the circle with the previous one, so connectedness is felt within each circle and the chain as well.
6- focus on mindful exercises at the beginning of each circle and encourage participants to use them frequently.
Wrapping the Human circle.
1- go through all concepts explored during the whole chain of the circle.
2- use creative ways like movies, music, comics or photos or just simple raw drawings.
3- ask participants of thinking of and preparing creative ways of drawing a wider circle of what they learnt and shared during the whole chain of the circle.
4- ask them to invite whoever/ whatever represent answers for the circle's main questions on what makes us human, what authentic learning is and who a humanistic educator is.
Closing Ritual, Pay it Forward.
1- invite people from networks and communities of shared interest.
2- give gratitude to people, place and process.
3- provide each participant to introduce their guest to the circle.
4- listen to the man stories of learning, connectedness and human rooted thread beyond theory and academia.
5- allow each participant and their guests to receive questions and inquiries from the audience.
6- allow short breaks when needed.
7- encourage all new guests and comers to the circle to connect together.
Human Circle and tree of Fingerprints
1- after the presentation of each participant, their guests, new comers, drama a trunk of a tree on an empty paper.
2- put the drawing of the tree in the center of the place.
3- invite everyone to stand in a circle around the drawing.
4- make sure that everyone in the circle can see each other.
5- invite each participant to put her/ his fingerprint in whatever color they choose on the drawing.
6- when the tree of fingerprints is complete, the human circle is ready to open with gratitude.
Pause, process and proceed
1- create a virtual space for everyone to share whatever they want and to keep the community going.
2- pause, document and write down the whole process and personal reflections.
3- invite everyone to share their feedback for the next human circle.
4- celebrate the whole process in a creative way.
5- hang the tree of fingerprints in the place where the human circle happened.
5- transform the tree into digital art and use it for the many circles to come.

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