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From the Emoji School of Music - MUSIC F.A.S.T! - Fun Accessible Simple Teachable! The Poly-SENsory Way.

World’s First Patent Application for SEN-D Music Education for Sight Singing, Sight Reading, Home Teaching - All Ages, Abilities, Aptitudes

It’s 1000 years since the Micrologus of Guido D’Arezzo creating 1. Traditional Notation System (TNS) of the Music Stave 2. Solfege 3. Gudionean Hand signs – for teaching music. Over 500 (failed) Global Patents to overcome the ‘6 Inconsistencies’ in the TNS (see Prior Art Patent Application). And NONE To overcome SEN-D Special Educational Needs & Disabilities. Ours does, uniquely with Emojis!


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Updated June 2019




All students
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"What a fantastic idea" "We think the concept is pretty amazing!"

About the innovation

Three Global Languages - Into One!

What we do at

1,000 years of Traditional Notation System and we're in the 21st Century where little has changed - especially with SEN-D Music Education! We've put the 3 Global and universally loved languages of music, colour and Emojis together to create the world's first C21st SEN-D and EVERYBODY FRIENDLY music education and playing system.

The system is based on what we (and our Parrot Emoji!) calls 'Poly-SENsory Learning. With our Emoji Mini-Mentors like Mr. Music Memory, Mr Muscle Memory, Miss Buzy B and Spelling Buzzy Bee we're here to make music learning F.A.S.T! That's Fun Accessible Simple Teachable!

Why we do it? Kevin M Thomson (The Dynamic Dyslexic) Says..After a lifetime of being unable to read music due to 'Visual Dyslexia' (Meares/Irlens Syndrome) with a dash of ADHD and Dyscalculia I started to create a system to help me learn and read music. 4 years later, a UK Patent Application, thousands of hours of development and a team of people with - and without - SEN-D, our aim is to help NOT just the world of SEN-D but everyone. We call it Triple A learning - For All Ages - All Abilities - All Aptitudes.

Was I alone in my learning and visual difficulites - and just finding music learning too difficult anyway? I had to find out. So I worked with my friends at YouGov to find out if Music Education was one of the UK Government Office for Science '5 Ways to Wellbeing' - based on global research by nef - the New Economics Foundation. We created the YouGov UK Benchmark for Music Wellbeing - Keep Learning.

Not only was I not alone when it comes to learning difficulties I was far from alone amongst over 90% of un-happy music learners.

So, that's why my own and our team's passion is for helping others - way beyond helping me to play more than 3 chords! The average age of giving up music as a child (like me, like my wife and Editor-in-Chief Sally - Dot Dyscalculia!) is 11 to 12 years old. That's why our Mission is 'We'd like to teach the world to play - everyone, every age, every ability, ever aptitude!'

Oh! And we do it because it is such FUN!

And we had huge encouragement from - now Joypixels -

Implementation steps

Edmodo - Soon - All Music, Mummy Mentor & Minder Guides Free
We're working on it now - ready for launch at next year's Music & Drama Expo.