What is the problem we are addressing?
The problem emerged when working according to the independent school system, where the students' behavior changed dramatically, which led to an impact on the performance of the teacher, and he became facing difficulties during the performance of the class, and the administrative supervisor also became facing great difficulty in applying the behavioral evaluation policy; Due to the huge volume of behavioral conversions coming from teachers, which requires activating the behavioral evaluation policy in a fast, accurate, effective and practical manner. There are other aspects of the problem are summarized in the huge amount of paper forms that must be filled out by the administrative and academic staff related to students' delayed school time or/and absence from school, and activating the behavioral evaluation policy related to manifold behavioral contraventions with its procedures in addition to the necessity of continuous communication with a large number of parents through text messages; all previous mostly causes many errors and shortcomings in implementation, follow-up and documentation, in addition to the inability to collect and analyze the data included in these paper forms, and come out with clear and accurate reports that contribute to appropriate decision-making, which helps create a safe and attractive school environment that helps improve students' learning. In addition, all this requires a very large administrative staff to manage and implement it. In addition to the previous there are some challenges that the teacher faces during the implementation of the classroom lessons, especially with regard to activating the behavioral evaluation policy and the follow-up of the student’s behavioral and academic performance, which needs additional time and effort which may affect to his performance in the classroom, and this negatively affects the students' learning, in addition to the lack of real communication and adequate and continuous coordination between the administrative and academic sides.
What is our solution?
Programming an easy, comprehensive and sequential application running on the school's intranet, including school data, classes, teachers and students, a list of behavioral contraventions and their degree, in addition to an digital copy of the approved paper forms, and all of this is entered once, so that this application includes several axes, including: Follow-up and treatment the behavioral evaluation policy, academic performance of students, communication messages with parents, in addition to educational and instructional videos, to promote positive behaviors and address unwanted behaviors, so that these videos were presented as an advanced idea for the morning queue through diversity in implementation, and investing them in a positive way. all of this constitute an incentive for students and supports their learning and broadcasts among them a spirit of responsibility, and this application also constitutes a mechanism for effective communication and coordination between the teacher, the administrator and the parent, and it helps the teacher save his time and effort to perform his tasks in the best way, a tight system to follow up the student’s behavioral and academic performance, and also a tool to obtain a comprehensive, accurate and huge database from different sources that are easy to analyze and process quickly to obtain various reports that help in making appropriate decisions in at that time, which contributes to improving student performance and achievement, and provides opportunities for direct, appropriate and effective feedback.
An overview of our impact
- Contribute to improving student performance and achievement, and providing opportunities to provide direct, appropriate and effective feedback.
- Contribute to enhancing student learning, raising the level of academic performance for him, and providing an educational and guiding window that contributes to meeting his needs.
- Supporting the teacher's work and saving his time and effort to perform his basic tasks in the best way.
- Supporting the administrative work and saving his time and effort to perform his basic tasks in the best way.
- Addressing unwanted behavioral contraventions in a timely manner within specific procedures within the instructions.
- Save an enormous amount of paper.
- Effective communication between the school administration, the teacher, the administrator and the parent.
- Contribute to enhancing the spirit of responsibility among students.
- Obtaining a huge and up-to-date database that is being processed and obtaining various reports that help in taking appropriate decisions in a timely manner.
Examples of implementation
During the implementation of the lesson, a teacher records a behavioral contraventions committed by a student, through his account with the touch of a button, that is directly transferred to the account of the administrative supervisor, which is received by a direct text message on both of his mobile & account, so the latter takes the appropriate action according to the type and degree of the contravention, without disrupting the lesson activities or compromising its airspace, and he can transfer it to the social or psychological specialist In the school, where the latter takes the appropriate action, such as holding an orientation session with the student, or communicating with the parent, and the teacher can follow up on that and the actions taken through his account at any time, and all the procedures that are taken are saved in the database, and are analyzed and processed, and It appears directly in the reports that the authorized persons can view and take the appropriate decision at any time of the school year.
What are our future goals?
- To benefit from the largest possible number of schools.
- To achieve an added value for work, and a positive impact on the development and improvement of administrative and academic performance and its reflection on the achievement and performance of students.
- Contribute others to develop this app through their suggestions and feedback.
- Developing the application by covering other axes in administrative and academic work (for example: monitoring the progress of students ’learning from the beginning of the school year until its end - results in each evaluation, treatment plans and follow-up of their implementation ... etc)
- And linking the stakeholders with each other at the school, schools and ministry levels.
How can someone else implement it? What do they need?
The application is easy and simple, and any school can use it by placing it on the school's server, importing school, students, classes and teachers data for one time, with a simple and quick training workshop, and then starting to use. (Note: Several schools have used it, and training workshops have been implemented for some of the other school's staff)