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place India + 3 more

Hyper Personalized Learning - Real-time, Accessible & Omni Channel.

Ekatra is an AI-powered platform designed to deliver personalized experiences through messaging apps like WhatsApp. Initially an impact-focused initiative to make quality education accessible, we have expanded the solution for workforce training.


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Target group
October 2024
Through Ekatra, we hope to: Democratize access to quality education, regardless of geographical or economic barriers Increase engagement and completion rates in online learning Empower learners to take control of their educational journey Bridge the skills gap, particularly in underserved communities Foster a culture of lifelong learning Ultimately, we aim to reach a billion learners globally.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Ekatra was created to address the global learning crisis, particularly in underserved communities. The founders witnessed firsthand the challenges of limited access to quality education, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. They saw a need for a solution that could deliver personalized, accessible education through widely available technologies like WhatsApp.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Ekatra is an AI-powered micro-learning platform that delivers bite-sized educational content through messaging apps like WhatsApp. In practice, it works like this:

A learner starts a conversation with our AI tutor, Alfred, on WhatsApp.
Alfred engages in natural conversation to understand the learner's interests, preferred learning style, and goals.
Using advanced AI models, Alfred generates personalized course content tailored to the individual.
Lessons are delivered as a series of messages, including text, images, and occasionally audio or video.
The learner can interact with Alfred, asking questions or requesting clarification at any time.
Regular quizzes and assessments help track progress and adapt the learning path.
For areas with limited connectivity, we also offer offline solutions.

The platform can be used for various subjects, from academic courses to vocational training and life skills development.

How has it been spreading?

Ekatra has been spreading through partnerships with NGOs, educational institutions, and corporate organizations. Some key milestones include:

We've impacted over 35,000 learners to date.
Our pilot in the Al Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan was so successful that UNHCR is backing a larger rollout.
We've partnered with 15 organizations in alpha and beta phases.
Our Sheroes WomenWill program has reached 1,093 women entrepreneurs in Maharashtra, India.
We've received recognition from global organizations like the World Economic Forum and Deloitte.
We're expanding through GTM (Go-To-Market) partners in Africa, the Middle East, and EU.

Our open-source model has also allowed other organizations to adapt and implement our technology in their own contexts.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To try Ekatra:

Visit our website at
Look for the "Request Demo" or "Get Started" button
Fill out the form with your details and specific interests
Our team will reach out to set up a personalized demo or trial
For individual learners, we provide a WhatsApp number to start interacting with Alfred directly.


Implementation steps

Initial Contact:
Reach out to Ekatra through their website to express interest in implementing their solution.
Needs Assessment:
Work with Ekatra to assess your organization's specific educational needs and goals. This may involve discussions about your target learners, subject areas, and existing resources.
Content Development:
Collaborate with Ekatra to develop or adapt educational content suitable for your learners. This may involve creating new material or modifying existing courses to fit the micro-learning format.
AI Customization:
Ekatra will fine-tune their AI models (like Alfred) to understand the specific context, language, and cultural nuances relevant to your learners.
User Onboarding:
Register your learners on the platform. This might involve collecting phone numbers and basic information about each learner.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Regularly review learner engagement, progress, and outcomes. Use Ekatra's analytics tools to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

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