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place Kenya + 1 more


Kenyan schools have annual quotas of trees that they should plant. Sadly, most Kenyan schools are based in urban areas where land is scarce which makes tree planting a challenge. Through tailor made educational tours, Drum Major Tours assists schools meet that gap by collaborating with communities which have spaces where trees can be planted. This helps towards in achievement of SDGs 13 and 15.


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Updated April 2023
Web presence




Students upper
Target group
1.Children who are more conscious of environmental conservation. 2.More trees planted in schools which makes them child friendly. 3.Change in norms and attitudes among learners since we are making tree planting look 'cool'. 4.More resources for schools from carbon trading which will mean better equipped schools. 5.Better grades for learners after interacting with nature through educational tours.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Kenyan schools are congested and in based in towns where learners rarely interact with nature.The curriculum requires them to learn about environment and schools are required to plant trees annually.Most of the schools rarely meet their annual tree planting quota due to land scarcity.Drum Major tours came in to solve those twin problems by organizing educational tours for schools in Kenya.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Since 2020,Drum Major Tours has organized 34 school tours to over 15 places at risk of environmental degradation.In the same time,we have planted over 20,000 trees.

In 2023 alone, we envisage to work with over 5,000 learners and plant 100,000 trees which translates to several carbon credits. The tour sites are near the schools so that the carbon footprint is minimal. The tours are immersive and have all the SDGS mainstreamed in them.

While some might worry that the reality of climate change is a heavy burden to place on young people, Drum Major Tours takes an open approach that is both fun to the learners and beneficial to the communities.

How has it been spreading?

Since 2020,we have planted over 20,000 trees in different areas in Kenya.Our goals for the next 2-3 years include:
1.Planting of 300,000 trees.
2.Linking up 10 schools and relevant stakeholders to carbon credit markets so that they can engage in carbon trading.
3.Digital documentation of 10 places at environmental risk like dying rivers so that more attention is focused to them by government authorities,conservationists,host communities etc
4.Running 3 annual story telling and photography competitions focusing on environmental spaces at risk so as to create publicity about them.
5.Initiate and support 30 environmental clubs for young people and women in schools,colleges and within communities.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Our idea can replicated anywhere.One can get in touch with our Project Manager for an in depth insights on how we carry out this project.

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