The CITPPST project was created to equip class key workers in government-owned primary schools with the right teaching skill and methodology to deliver great learning experience in the classroom. We also wanted to equip school managers and their assistants with he right leadership skills required to successfully produce great learners (Visioning and Instructional Leadership).
Each cycle of the CITPPST begins with teacher assessment (baseline classroom observation) targeted at about 5% of the target population of public primary school teachers (we recently started serving low-fee paying private schools).
The result of the baseline helps us to tailor the curriculum to address key areas of need which often includes: Facilitating Learning, Behaviour Management, Task Setting/Assessment, Classroom Management, etc.
Participants are taken through series of training (in-class and now virtual) to address these gaps with intermittent classroom visits to ascertain skill uptake and also provide room for coaching conversations.
Data collected from this process is uploaded to a central portal ( where we track progress of teacher across (up to) seven classroom observations and whose result is used to deepen coaching for the teachers.
In a connected programme, the school leaders are mentored over 20 weeks to further support teachers.
The need to retrain primary school teachers is genuine, recurring and cuts across Africa because the foundation of education greatly depends on the quality of their delivery. Hence, the CITPPST, over the last 3 years, have impacted 2 cycles of beneficiaries totalling over 1,700 classroom teachers.
In 2016, BAF trained 50 teachers over a period of 2 weeks.
I 2017, BAF conducted a needs assessment across 5 schools where we interacted with almost 100 teachers.
In 2018, BAF held its first yearlong CITPPST training for teachers and we reached about 300 teachers from 9 schools. Indirect beneficiaries are not included in the impact numbers.
In 2019, the CITPPST programme scaled as a result of funding from Google Impact Challenge (GIC) which saw us reaching 1075 teachers and school leaders.
To implement the CITPPST in your school, reach out to BAF to gain access to the BAF Electronic Evaluation Portal (BEEP) so you can pre-evaluate your teaching population for free.
Once the area of need is established, BAF will provide you (School Leaders or implementing organization) with relevant training content (training manual or modules including training videos) that you can easily deploy.